Require Import Utils.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import PropertyGraph.
Require Import Cypher.
Require Import BindingTable.
Import PropertyGraph.
Import PartialMap.Notations.
Import TotalMap.Notations.
Module MatchMode.
Inductive t :=
| Explicit
| Mixed
| Full
Definition update_with_mode_start {T} (mode : t)
(vname : Name.t) (vv : T) : PartialMap.t Name.t T
match mode with
| Explicit =>
match vname with
| Name.explicit _=> (vname |-> vv)
| Name.implicit _=> PartialMap.empty
| _ => (vname |-> vv)
Definition update_with_mode_hop {T} (mode : t)
'((vname, ename) : Name.t * Name.t)
'((vv, ev) : T * T)
(r : PartialMap.t Name.t T) :
PartialMap.t Name.t T
match mode with
| Explicit =>
match vname, ename with
| Name.explicit _, Name.explicit _ => (vname |-> vv; ename |-> ev; r)
| Name.explicit _, Name.implicit _ => (vname |-> vv; r)
| Name.implicit _, Name.explicit _ => (ename |-> ev; r)
| Name.implicit _, Name.implicit _ => r
| Full => (vname |-> vv; ename |-> ev; r)
| Mixed =>
match vname, ename with
| _, Name.explicit _ => (vname |-> vv; ename |-> ev; r)
| Name.explicit _, Name.implicit _ => (vname |-> vv; r)
| Name.implicit _, Name.implicit _ => r
Arguments update_with_mode_start {_} _ _ _ : simpl never.
Arguments update_with_mode_hop {_} _ _ _ _ : simpl never.
Ltac unfold_update_with_mode :=
unfold update_with_mode_start, update_with_mode_hop in *.
Module UpdateNotations.
Notation "np '|-[' mode ']->' vp ';' r" := (update_with_mode_hop mode np vp r)
(at level 100, vp at next level, right associativity).
Notation "n '|-[' mode ']->' v " := (update_with_mode_start mode n v)
(at level 100).
Notation "np 'F|->' vp ';' r" := (update_with_mode_hop Full np vp r)
(at level 100, vp at next level, right associativity).
Notation "n 'F|->' v " := (update_with_mode_start Full n v)
(at level 100).
Notation "np 'E|->' vp ';' r" := (update_with_mode_hop Explicit np vp r)
(at level 100, vp at next level, right associativity).
Notation "n 'E|->' v " := (update_with_mode_start Explicit n v)
(at level 100).
Notation "np 'M|->' vp ';' r" := (update_with_mode_hop Mixed np vp r)
(at level 100, vp at next level, right associativity).
Notation "n 'M|->' v " := (update_with_mode_start Mixed n v)
(at level 100).
End UpdateNotations.
Import UpdateNotations.
Ltac lift_to_update_with_mode :=
repeat change (?nv |-> ?vv; ?ne |-> ?ve; ?r) with ((nv, ne) F|-> (vv, ve); r);
repeat change (?n |-> ?v) with (n F|-> v).
Lemma type_of_update_with_mode_start mode nv v :
Rcd.type_of (nv |-[mode]-> v) = (nv |-[mode]-> Value.type_of v).
Proof using.
unfold_update_with_mode. desf.
all: now repeat rewrite Rcd.type_of_update.
Lemma type_of_update_with_mode_hop mode nv ne v e r:
Rcd.type_of ((nv, ne) |-[mode]-> (v, e); r) =
((nv, ne) |-[mode]-> (Value.type_of v, Value.type_of e); Rcd.type_of r).
Proof using.
unfold_update_with_mode. desf.
all: now repeat rewrite Rcd.type_of_update.
End MatchMode.
Import MatchMode.
Import UpdateNotations.
Module PatternT.
Definition T := Rcd.T.
Fixpoint type_of (mode : MatchMode.t) (pi : Pattern.t) : T :=
match pi with
| Pattern.start pv =>
(Pattern.vname pv |-[mode]-> Value.GVertexT)
| Pattern.hop pi pe pv =>
((Pattern.vname pv, Pattern.ename pe) |-[mode]->
(Value.GVertexT, Value.GEdgeT); type_of mode pi)
Lemma type_of_None_downgrade mode pi n
(Hval : type_of Full pi n = None) :
type_of mode pi n = None.
Proof using.
induction pi; simpls.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: desf_unfold_pat.
Lemma type_of__dom_vertices (pi : Pattern.t) nv
(Hwf : pi)
(HIn : In nv (Pattern.dom_vertices pi)) :
type_of Full pi nv = Some Value.GVertexT.
Proof using.
induction pi; simpls.
all: inv Hwf.
all: desf.
all: try apply PartialMap.update_eq.
Lemma type_of_explicit__dom_vertices (pi : Pattern.t) nv
(Hwf : pi)
(HIn : In (Name.explicit nv) (Pattern.dom_vertices pi)) :
type_of Explicit pi (Name.explicit nv) = Some Value.GVertexT.
Proof using.
induction pi; simpls.
all: inv Hwf.
all: desf; simpls; desf.
all: try apply PartialMap.update_eq.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: desf_unfold_pat.
all: congruence.
Lemma type_of__dom_edges (pi : Pattern.t) ne
(Hwf : pi)
(HIn : In ne (Pattern.dom_edges pi)) :
type_of Full pi ne = Some Value.GEdgeT.
Proof using.
induction pi; simpls.
all: inv Hwf.
all: desf.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: rewrite PartialMap.update_neq.
all: try apply PartialMap.update_eq.
all: try rewrite PartialMap.update_neq.
all: auto.
all: intro; subst.
all: contradiction.
Lemma type_of_explicit__dom_edges (pi : Pattern.t) ne
(Hwf : pi)
(HIn : In (Name.explicit ne) (Pattern.dom_edges pi)) :
type_of Explicit pi (Name.explicit ne) = Some Value.GEdgeT.
Proof using.
induction pi; simpls.
all: inv Hwf.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: desf.
all: try apply PartialMap.update_eq.
all: try rewrite PartialMap.update_neq.
all: try apply PartialMap.update_eq.
all: try rewrite PartialMap.update_neq.
all: auto.
all: intro; subst.
all: congruence.
Lemma dom_vertices__type_of mode pi nv
(Hwf : pi)
(Htype : type_of mode pi nv = Some Value.GVertexT) :
In nv (Pattern.dom_vertices pi).
Proof using.
induction pi, mode; simpls.
all: inv Hwf.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: desf_unfold_pat.
Lemma dom_edges__type_of mode pi ne
(Hwf : pi)
(Htype : type_of mode pi ne = Some Value.GEdgeT) :
In ne (Pattern.dom_edges pi).
Proof using.
induction pi, mode; simpls.
all: inv Hwf.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: desf_unfold_pat.
Theorem In_dom_vertices__iff (pi : Pattern.t) nv
(Hwf : pi) :
In nv (Pattern.dom_vertices pi) <-> type_of Full pi nv = Some Value.GVertexT.
Proof using.
split; eauto using type_of__dom_vertices, dom_vertices__type_of.
Theorem In_dom_edges__iff (pi : Pattern.t) ne
(Hwf : pi) :
In ne (Pattern.dom_edges pi) <-> type_of Full pi ne = Some Value.GEdgeT.
Proof using.
split; eauto using type_of__dom_edges, dom_edges__type_of.
Theorem In_dom_vertices_explicit__iff (pi : Pattern.t) nv
(Hwf : pi) :
In (Name.explicit nv) (Pattern.dom_vertices pi) <->
type_of Explicit pi (Name.explicit nv) = Some Value.GVertexT.
Proof using.
split; eauto using type_of_explicit__dom_vertices, dom_vertices__type_of.
Theorem In_dom_edges_explicit__iff (pi : Pattern.t) ne
(Hwf : pi) :
In (Name.explicit ne) (Pattern.dom_edges pi) <->
type_of Explicit pi (Name.explicit ne) = Some Value.GEdgeT.
Proof using.
split; eauto using type_of_explicit__dom_edges, dom_edges__type_of.
Theorem In_dom_vertices mode pi nv
(Hwf : pi)
(Hval : type_of mode pi nv = Some Value.GVertexT) :
In nv (Pattern.dom_vertices pi).
Proof using.
destruct mode.
all: induction pi.
all: inv Hwf; simpls.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: desf_unfold_pat.
Theorem In_dom_edges mode pi ne
(Hwf : pi)
(Hval : type_of mode pi ne = Some Value.GEdgeT) :
In ne (Pattern.dom_edges pi).
Proof using.
destruct mode.
all: induction pi.
all: inv Hwf; simpls.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: desf_unfold_pat.
Lemma last__dom_vertices pi :
type_of Full pi (Pattern.vname (Pattern.last pi)) = Some Value.GVertexT.
Proof using.
destruct pi; simpl; apply PartialMap.update_eq.
Theorem type_of_explicit__implicit (pi : Pattern.t) n :
type_of Explicit pi (Name.implicit n) = None.
Proof using.
induction pi; simpls.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: desf; simpls; desf.
all: repeat rewrite PartialMap.update_neq.
all: auto.
all: ins; discriminate.
Theorem type_of__types mode pi k :
type_of mode pi k = Some Value.GVertexT \/
type_of mode pi k = Some Value.GEdgeT \/
type_of mode pi k = None.
Proof using.
induction pi; simpls.
all: destruct mode; simpls.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: desf_unfold_pat.
Theorem In_dom__iff (pi : Pattern.t) k
(Hwf : pi) :
In k (Pattern.dom pi) <-> PartialMap.in_dom k (type_of Full pi).
Proof using.
rewrite Pattern.In_dom.
rewrite In_dom_vertices__iff, In_dom_edges__iff; auto.
unfold PartialMap.in_dom.
split; ins.
all: desf; eauto.
edestruct type_of__types with (mode := Full) as [? | [? | ?]].
all: simpls; eauto.
Theorem In_dom mode pi k
(Hwf : pi)
(Hdom : PartialMap.in_dom k (type_of mode pi)) :
In k (Pattern.dom pi).
Proof using.
unfold PartialMap.in_dom in *.
destruct Hdom as [v Htype].
rewrite Pattern.In_dom.
all: edestruct type_of__types with (mode := mode) (pi := pi) as [? | [? | ?]].
all: try (left; eapply In_dom_vertices; now eauto).
all: try (right; eapply In_dom_edges; now eauto).
all: congruence.
Theorem not_In_dom mode pi k
(Hwf : pi)
(HIn : ~ (In k (Pattern.dom pi))) :
type_of mode pi k = None.
Proof using.
rewrite <- PartialMap.not_in_dom_iff.
ins; eauto using In_dom.
Theorem not_In_dom__iff (pi : Pattern.t) k
(Hwf : pi) :
~ (In k (Pattern.dom pi)) <-> type_of Full pi k = None.
Proof using.
rewrite In_dom__iff; auto.
now rewrite PartialMap.not_in_dom_iff.
Lemma type_of_None pi n
(Htype : type_of Full pi n = None) :
type_of Explicit pi n = None.
Proof using.
induction pi; simpls.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: desf_unfold_pat.
Lemma type_of_explicit_full pi n :
type_of Explicit pi (Name.explicit n) = type_of Full pi (Name.explicit n).
Proof using.
induction pi; simpls.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: desf_unfold_pat.
Definition imp_name_unique (pi : Pattern.t) (n : Name.t) : Prop :=
match n with
| Name.implicit n => type_of Full pi (Name.implicit n) = None
| Name.explicit _ => True
Inductive wfT : Pattern.t -> Prop :=
| wfT_start pv : wfT (Pattern.start pv)
| wfT_hop pi pe pv (Hwf : wfT pi)
(Hpv_neq_pe : Pattern.vname pv <> Pattern.ename pe)
(Htype_pv_imp : imp_name_unique pi (Pattern.vname pv))
(Htype_pe : type_of Full pi (Pattern.ename pe) = None)
(Htype_pv : type_of Full pi (Pattern.vname pv) = None \/
type_of Full pi (Pattern.vname pv) = Some Value.GVertexT) :
wfT (Pattern.hop pi pe pv).
Lemma wfT_wf pi (Hwf : wfT pi) : pi.
Proof using.
induction Hwf; constructor; auto.
{ ins. unfold imp_name_unique in *.
rewrite Pattern.In_dom_vertices_implicit.
apply Pattern.not_In_dom_vertices.
rewrite not_In_dom__iff; desf. }
{ rewrite In_dom_edges__iff; auto. intro; congruence. }
{ rewrite In_dom_vertices__iff; auto. intro; desf; congruence. }
{ rewrite In_dom_edges__iff; auto.
intros; destruct Htype_pv; congruence. }
Lemma wf_wfT pi (Hwf : pi) : wfT pi.
Proof using.
induction Hwf; constructor; auto.
3: { edestruct type_of__types as [Hty | [Hty | Hty]]; eauto.
exfalso. apply HIn_pv.
rewrite In_dom_edges__iff; auto. }
2: { rewrite <- not_In_dom__iff, Pattern.In_dom; auto.
unfold not in *. ins; desf; auto. }
ins; unfold imp_name_unique in *; desf.
rewrite <- not_In_dom__iff; auto.
rewrite Pattern.In_dom.
rewrite <- Pattern.In_dom_vertices_implicit.
intros [contra | contra].
{ eapply HIn_pv_imp; eauto. }
now apply HIn_pv.
Theorem wf_wfT_iff pi : pi <-> wfT pi.
Proof using.
split; auto using wfT_wf, wf_wfT.
Lemma type_of_Some_upgrade mode pi n v
(Hwf : wfT pi)
(Hval : type_of mode pi n = Some v) :
type_of Full pi n = Some v.
Proof using.
induction pi; inv Hwf; simpls.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: desf.
all: desf_unfold_pat; desf; auto.
all: apply IHpi in Hval; auto.
all: congruence.
Lemma last_neq_pe pi pe pv
(Hwf : wfT (Pattern.hop pi pe pv)) :
Pattern.vname (Pattern.last pi) <> Pattern.ename pe.
Proof using.
pose proof last__dom_vertices as H.
specialize (H pi).
inv Hwf.
intro contra; congruence.
Lemma last_neq_pv pi pe pv
(Hwf : wfT (Pattern.hop pi pe pv))
(HIn : PatternT.type_of Full pi (Pattern.vname pv) = None) :
Pattern.vname (Pattern.last pi) <> Pattern.vname pv.
Proof using.
pose proof last__dom_vertices as H.
specialize (H pi).
inv Hwf.
intro contra; congruence.
Lemma explicit_projT_type_of mode pi :
Rcd.explicit_projT (type_of mode pi) = type_of Explicit pi.
Proof using.
destruct mode.
all: induction pi; simpls.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: unfold Rcd.explicit_projT in *.
all: extensionality k.
all: try apply (f_equal (fun f => f k)) in IHpi.
all: desf_unfold_pat.
End PatternT.
Module Path.
Inductive t :=
| start (v : vertex)
| hop (p : t) (e : edge) (v : vertex).
Definition last (p : t) :=
match p with
| hop _ _ v => v
| start v => v
Section matches.
Import Pattern.
Variable mode : MatchMode.t.
Variable g : PropertyGraph.t.
Record matches_pvertex (v : vertex) (pv : pvertex) : Prop := {
vertex_in_g : In v (PropertyGraph.vertices g);
matches_vlabel : forall l, Pattern.vlabel pv = Some l ->
In l (PropertyGraph.vlabels g v);
matches_vprops : Forall (fun '(k, val) => get_vprop g k v = Some val)
(Pattern.vprops pv);
Record matches_pedge (e : edge) (pe : pedge) : Prop := {
edge_in_g : In e (PropertyGraph.edges g);
matches_elabel : forall l, Pattern.elabel pe = Some l ->
PropertyGraph.elabel g e = l;
matches_eprops : Forall (fun '(k, val) => get_eprop g k e = Some val)
(Pattern.eprops pe);
Definition matches_direction (from to : vertex) (e : edge) (d : direction) : Prop :=
match d with
| OUT => ends g e = (from, to)
| IN => ends g e = (to, from)
| BOTH => ends g e = (from, to) \/ ends g e = (to, from)
Definition ends_match_decb (e : edge) (from to : vertex) : bool :=
ends g e ==b (from, to).
Definition matches_direction_decb (from to : vertex) (e : edge) (d : direction) : bool :=
match d with
| OUT => ends_match_decb e from to
| IN => ends_match_decb e to from
| BOTH => ends_match_decb e from to || ends_match_decb e to from
Definition matches_direction_dec (from to : vertex) (e : edge) (d : direction) :
{matches_direction from to e d} + {~ matches_direction from to e d}.
Proof using.
refine (
if matches_direction_decb from to e d == true
then left _ else right _
all: unfold matches_direction_decb, matches_direction,
ends_match_decb, equiv, complement in *.
all: desf.
all: try rewrite -> Bool.orb_true_iff in e0.
all: try rewrite -> Bool.orb_true_iff in c.
all: repeat rewrite -> equiv_decb_true_iff in e0.
all: repeat rewrite -> equiv_decb_true_iff in c.
all: auto.
Inductive matches : Rcd.t -> Path.t -> Pattern.t -> Prop :=
| matches_nil (pv : pvertex) (v : vertex)
(Hpv : matches_pvertex v pv) :
matches (vname pv |-[mode]-> Value.GVertex v)
(Path.start v) (Pattern.start pv)
| matches_cons (v : vertex) (e : edge) (p : Path.t) (r : Rcd.t)
(pv : pvertex) (pe : pedge) (pi : Pattern.t)
(Hpi : matches r p pi) (Hpe : matches_pedge e pe)
(Hdir : matches_direction (Path.last p) v e (Pattern.edir pe))
(Hpv : matches_pvertex v pv)
(Hprev : r (Pattern.vname pv) = None \/
r (Pattern.vname pv) = Some (Value.GVertex v)) :
matches ((vname pv, ename pe) |-[mode]-> (Value.GVertex v, Value.GEdge e); r)
(Path.hop p e v) (Pattern.hop pi pe pv)
End matches.
Theorem matches_in_dom_vertex mode graph path pi r' n
(Hmatch : matches mode graph r' path pi)
(HIn : PatternT.type_of mode pi n = Some Value.GVertexT) :
exists v, r' n = Some (Value.GVertex v).
Proof using.
destruct mode.
all: induction Hmatch.
all: destruct Hpv; try destruct Hpe; simpls.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: simpls; desf_unfold_pat; desf.
all: eauto.
Theorem matches_in_dom_edge mode graph path pi r' n
(Hmatch : matches mode graph r' path pi)
(HIn : PatternT.type_of mode pi n = Some Value.GEdgeT) :
exists e, r' n = Some (Value.GEdge e).
Proof using.
destruct mode.
all: induction Hmatch.
all: destruct Hpv; try destruct Hpe; simpls.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: simpls; desf_unfold_pat; desf.
all: eauto.
Theorem matches_not_in_dom_iff mode graph path pi r' n
(Hmatch : matches mode graph r' path pi) :
PatternT.type_of mode pi n = None <-> r' n = None.
Proof using.
destruct mode.
all: induction Hmatch.
all: destruct Hpv; try destruct Hpe; simpls.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: simpls; desf_unfold_pat; desf.
Theorem matches_full_last graph path pi r'
(Hmatch : matches Full graph r' path pi) :
r' (Pattern.vname (Pattern.last pi)) = Some (Value.GVertex (Path.last path)).
Proof using.
destruct pi.
all: inv Hmatch.
all: destruct Hpv; try destruct Hpe; simpls.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: apply PartialMap.update_eq.
Theorem matches_last mode graph path pi r' v
(Hmatch : matches mode graph r' path pi)
(Hval : r' (Pattern.vname (Pattern.last pi)) = Some (Value.GVertex v)) :
Path.last path = v.
Proof using.
destruct mode, pi.
all: inv Hmatch.
all: destruct Hpv; try destruct Hpe; simpls.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: simpls; desf.
all: try rewrite PartialMap.update_eq in Hval.
all: try rewrite PartialMap.update_neq in Hval.
all: desf.
Lemma explicit_proj__update_with_mode_hop mode n v r :
Rcd.explicit_proj (n |-[mode]-> v; r) =
(n E|-> v; (Rcd.explicit_proj r)).
Proof using.
extensionality k.
unfold Rcd.explicit_proj.
Lemma explicit_proj__update_with_mode_start mode n v :
Rcd.explicit_proj (n |-[mode]-> v) =
(n E|-> v).
Proof using.
extensionality k.
unfold Rcd.explicit_proj.
Theorem matches_explicit_proj mode graph path pi r
(Hmatch : matches mode graph r path pi) :
matches Explicit graph (Rcd.explicit_proj r) path pi.
Proof using.
destruct mode.
all: induction Hmatch.
all: repeat rewrite explicit_proj__update_with_mode_hop.
all: try rewrite explicit_proj__update_with_mode_start.
all: constructor; auto.
all: unfold Rcd.explicit_proj; desf; auto.
Theorem matches_two_records graph mode path pi r1 r2
(Hmatch1 : matches mode graph r1 path pi)
(Hmatch2 : matches mode graph r2 path pi) :
r1 = r2.
Proof using.
gen_dep r2.
induction Hmatch1; ins; inv Hmatch2.
destruct Hpv; destruct Hpe.
destruct Hpv0; destruct Hpe0.
extensionality k.
erewrite IHHmatch1; [ | eauto ].
unfold update_with_mode_hop in *.
Theorem matches_both_modes mode graph path pi r r'
(Hmatch : matches Explicit graph r path pi)
(Hmatch' : matches mode graph r' path pi) :
r = Rcd.explicit_proj r'.
Proof using.
gen_dep r'.
induction Hmatch; intros; inv Hmatch'.
all: repeat rewrite explicit_proj__update_with_mode_hop.
{ now rewrite explicit_proj__update_with_mode_start. }
erewrite IHHmatch; eauto.
Theorem matches_explicit_exists_proj mode graph path pi r
(Hwf : PatternT.wfT pi)
(Hmatch : matches Explicit graph r path pi) :
exists r', matches mode graph r' path pi.
Proof using.
destruct mode.
all: induction Hmatch.
all: inv Hwf.
all: try destruct IHHmatch as [r' Hmatch']; auto.
all: eexists; splits.
all: econstructor; eauto.
all: erewrite -> matches_both_modes with (r := r) in Hprev; eauto.
all: unfold Rcd.explicit_proj in Hprev.
all: unfold PatternT.imp_name_unique in *.
all: desf; auto.
all: left; erewrite <- matches_not_in_dom_iff;
[ eapply PatternT.type_of_None_downgrade | ].
all: eauto.
Theorem matches_type_of mode graph path pi r
(Hmatch : matches mode graph r path pi) :
PatternT.type_of mode pi = Rcd.type_of r.
Proof using.
destruct mode.
all: induction Hmatch.
all: unfold update_with_mode_start, update_with_mode_hop.
all: simpls; desf.
all: repeat rewrite Rcd.type_of_update.
all: try rewrite IHHmatch.
all: auto.
End Path.
(* Notation "g , u , p '|=' pi" := (Path.matches g u p pi) (at level 80, p at next level, u at next level, pi at next level, no associativity) : type_scope. *)
Section QueryExpr.
Import QueryExpr.
Import Value.
Section eval_qexpr.
Variable g : PropertyGraph.t.
Variable u : Rcd.t.
Fixpoint eval_qexpr (a : QueryExpr.t) : option Value.t :=
match a with
| QEVertex v => Some(GVertex v)
| QEEdge e => Some(GEdge e)
| QEVar n => u (Name.explicit n)
| QEProj a k => option_map Value.from_property
match eval_qexpr a with
| Some (GVertex v) => get_vprop g k v
| Some (GEdge e) => get_eprop g k e
| _ => None
| QEEq a1 a2 =>
match eval_qexpr a1, eval_qexpr a2 with
| Some (Bool b1), Some (Bool b2) => Some (Bool (b1 ==b b2))
| Some (Int i1), Some (Int i2) => Some (Bool (i1 ==b i2))
| Some (Str s1), Some (Str s2) => Some (Bool (s1 ==b s2))
| Some (Bool _), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some (Int _), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some (Str _), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Bool _) => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Int _) => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Str _) => Some Unknown
| _, _ => None
| QENe a1 a2 =>
match eval_qexpr a1, eval_qexpr a2 with
| Some (Bool b1), Some (Bool b2) => Some (Bool (b1 <>b b2))
| Some (Int i1), Some (Int i2) => Some (Bool (i1 <>b i2))
| Some (Str s1), Some (Str s2) => Some (Bool (s1 <>b s2))
| Some (Bool _), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some (Int _), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some (Str _), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Bool _) => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Int _) => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Str _) => Some Unknown
| _, _ => None
| QELe a1 a2 =>
match eval_qexpr a1, eval_qexpr a2 with
| Some (Bool b1), Some (Bool b2) => Some (Bool (implb b1 b2))
| Some (Int i1), Some (Int i2) => Some (Bool (BinIntDef.Z.leb i1 i2))
| Some (Str s1), Some (Str s2) => Some (Bool (String.leb s1 s2))
| Some (Bool _), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some (Int _), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some (Str _), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Bool _) => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Int _) => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Str _) => Some Unknown
| _, _ => None
| QEGe a1 a2 =>
match eval_qexpr a1, eval_qexpr a2 with
| Some (Bool b1), Some (Bool b2) => Some (Bool (implb b2 b1))
| Some (Int i1), Some (Int i2) => Some (Bool (BinIntDef.Z.geb i1 i2))
| Some (Str s1), Some (Str s2) => Some (Bool (String.leb s2 s1))
| Some (Bool _), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some (Int _), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some (Str _), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Bool _) => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Int _) => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Str _) => Some Unknown
| _, _ => None
| QELt a1 a2 =>
match eval_qexpr a1, eval_qexpr a2 with
| Some (Bool b1), Some (Bool b2) => Some (Bool (negb (implb b2 b1)))
| Some (Int i1), Some (Int i2) => Some (Bool (BinIntDef.Z.ltb i1 i2))
| Some (Str s1), Some (Str s2) => Some (Bool (String.ltb s1 s2))
| Some (Bool _), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some (Int _), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some (Str _), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Bool _) => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Int _) => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Str _) => Some Unknown
| _, _ => None
| QEGt a1 a2 =>
match eval_qexpr a1, eval_qexpr a2 with
| Some (Bool b1), Some (Bool b2) => Some (Bool (negb (implb b1 b2)))
| Some (Int i1), Some (Int i2) => Some (Bool (BinIntDef.Z.gtb i1 i2))
| Some (Str s1), Some (Str s2) => Some (Bool (String.ltb s2 s1))
| Some (Bool _), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some (Int _), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some (Str _), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Bool _) => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Int _) => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Str _) => Some Unknown
| _, _ => None
| QETrue => Some (Bool true)
| QEFalse => Some (Bool false)
| QEUnknown => Some Unknown
| QEOr a1 a2 =>
match eval_qexpr a1, eval_qexpr a2 with
| Some (Bool true), Some (Bool true) => Some (Bool true)
| Some (Bool true), Some (Bool false) => Some (Bool true)
| Some (Bool false), Some (Bool true) => Some (Bool true)
| Some (Bool false), Some (Bool false) => Some (Bool false)
| Some (Bool true), Some Unknown => Some (Bool true)
| Some (Bool false), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Bool true) => Some (Bool true)
| Some Unknown, Some (Bool false) => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| _, _ => None
| QEAnd a1 a2 =>
match eval_qexpr a1, eval_qexpr a2 with
| Some (Bool true), Some (Bool true) => Some (Bool true)
| Some (Bool true), Some (Bool false) => Some (Bool false)
| Some (Bool false), Some (Bool true) => Some (Bool false)
| Some (Bool false), Some (Bool false) => Some (Bool false)
| Some (Bool true), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some (Bool false), Some Unknown => Some (Bool false)
| Some Unknown, Some (Bool true) => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Bool false) => Some (Bool false)
| Some Unknown, Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| _, _ => None
| QEXor a1 a2 =>
match eval_qexpr a1, eval_qexpr a2 with
| Some (Bool true), Some (Bool true) => Some (Bool false)
| Some (Bool true), Some (Bool false) => Some (Bool true)
| Some (Bool false), Some (Bool true) => Some (Bool true)
| Some (Bool false), Some (Bool false) => Some (Bool false)
| Some (Bool true), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some (Bool false), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Bool true) => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Bool false) => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| _, _ => None
| QENot a =>
match eval_qexpr a with
| Some (Bool true) => Some (Bool false)
| Some (Bool false) => Some (Bool true)
| Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| _ => None
| QEIsUnknown a =>
match eval_qexpr a with
| Some (Bool true) => Some (Bool false)
| Some (Bool false) => Some (Bool false)
| Some Unknown => Some (Bool true)
| _ => None
| QEIsNotUnknown a =>
match eval_qexpr a with
| Some (Bool true) => Some (Bool true)
| Some (Bool false) => Some (Bool true)
| Some Unknown => Some (Bool false)
| _ => None
| QEIsTrue a =>
match eval_qexpr a with
| Some (Bool true) => Some (Bool true)
| Some (Bool false) => Some (Bool false)
| Some Unknown => Some (Bool false)
| _ => None
| QEIsNotTrue a =>
match eval_qexpr a with
| Some (Bool true) => Some (Bool false)
| Some (Bool false) => Some (Bool true)
| Some Unknown => Some (Bool true)
| _ => None
| QEIsFalse a =>
match eval_qexpr a with
| Some (Bool true) => Some (Bool false)
| Some (Bool false) => Some (Bool true)
| Some Unknown => Some (Bool false)
| _ => None
| QEIsNotFalse a =>
match eval_qexpr a with
| Some (Bool true) => Some (Bool true)
| Some (Bool false) => Some (Bool false)
| Some Unknown => Some (Bool true)
| _ => None
End eval_qexpr.
End QueryExpr.
Module EvalQuery.
Module Type Spec.
Parameter eval_match_clause : PropertyGraph.t -> Pattern.t -> option BindingTable.t.
Axiom match_clause_wf : forall graph pattern, graph -> PatternT.wfT pattern ->
exists table', eval_match_clause graph pattern = Some table'.
Axiom match_clause_type : forall graph pattern table',
eval_match_clause graph pattern = Some table' ->
PatternT.wfT pattern ->
BindingTable.of_type table' (PatternT.type_of Explicit pattern).
Axiom match_clause_spec : forall graph path pattern table' r',
eval_match_clause graph pattern = Some table' -> graph -> PatternT.wfT pattern ->
Path.matches Explicit graph r' path pattern ->
In r' table'.
Axiom match_clause_spec' : forall graph pattern table' r',
eval_match_clause graph pattern = Some table' -> graph -> PatternT.wfT pattern -> In r' table' ->
exists path, Path.matches Explicit graph r' path pattern.
End Spec.
Module SpecComplete (Spec1 Spec2 : Spec).
Import BindingTable.Notations.
Lemma match_clause_unique graph pattern table1 table2
(Hwf_graph : graph)
(Hwf_pattern : PatternT.wfT pattern)
(Hres1 : Spec1.eval_match_clause graph pattern = Some table1)
(Hres2 : Spec2.eval_match_clause graph pattern = Some table2) :
table1 ~~ table2.
Proof using.
unfold BindingTable.equiv; ins.
split; ins.
{ edestruct Spec1.match_clause_spec'; eauto.
eapply Spec2.match_clause_spec; eauto. }
{ edestruct Spec2.match_clause_spec'; eauto.
eapply Spec1.match_clause_spec; eauto. }
End SpecComplete.
End EvalQuery.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import PropertyGraph.
Require Import Cypher.
Require Import BindingTable.
Import PropertyGraph.
Import PartialMap.Notations.
Import TotalMap.Notations.
Module MatchMode.
Inductive t :=
| Explicit
| Mixed
| Full
Definition update_with_mode_start {T} (mode : t)
(vname : Name.t) (vv : T) : PartialMap.t Name.t T
match mode with
| Explicit =>
match vname with
| Name.explicit _=> (vname |-> vv)
| Name.implicit _=> PartialMap.empty
| _ => (vname |-> vv)
Definition update_with_mode_hop {T} (mode : t)
'((vname, ename) : Name.t * Name.t)
'((vv, ev) : T * T)
(r : PartialMap.t Name.t T) :
PartialMap.t Name.t T
match mode with
| Explicit =>
match vname, ename with
| Name.explicit _, Name.explicit _ => (vname |-> vv; ename |-> ev; r)
| Name.explicit _, Name.implicit _ => (vname |-> vv; r)
| Name.implicit _, Name.explicit _ => (ename |-> ev; r)
| Name.implicit _, Name.implicit _ => r
| Full => (vname |-> vv; ename |-> ev; r)
| Mixed =>
match vname, ename with
| _, Name.explicit _ => (vname |-> vv; ename |-> ev; r)
| Name.explicit _, Name.implicit _ => (vname |-> vv; r)
| Name.implicit _, Name.implicit _ => r
Arguments update_with_mode_start {_} _ _ _ : simpl never.
Arguments update_with_mode_hop {_} _ _ _ _ : simpl never.
Ltac unfold_update_with_mode :=
unfold update_with_mode_start, update_with_mode_hop in *.
Module UpdateNotations.
Notation "np '|-[' mode ']->' vp ';' r" := (update_with_mode_hop mode np vp r)
(at level 100, vp at next level, right associativity).
Notation "n '|-[' mode ']->' v " := (update_with_mode_start mode n v)
(at level 100).
Notation "np 'F|->' vp ';' r" := (update_with_mode_hop Full np vp r)
(at level 100, vp at next level, right associativity).
Notation "n 'F|->' v " := (update_with_mode_start Full n v)
(at level 100).
Notation "np 'E|->' vp ';' r" := (update_with_mode_hop Explicit np vp r)
(at level 100, vp at next level, right associativity).
Notation "n 'E|->' v " := (update_with_mode_start Explicit n v)
(at level 100).
Notation "np 'M|->' vp ';' r" := (update_with_mode_hop Mixed np vp r)
(at level 100, vp at next level, right associativity).
Notation "n 'M|->' v " := (update_with_mode_start Mixed n v)
(at level 100).
End UpdateNotations.
Import UpdateNotations.
Ltac lift_to_update_with_mode :=
repeat change (?nv |-> ?vv; ?ne |-> ?ve; ?r) with ((nv, ne) F|-> (vv, ve); r);
repeat change (?n |-> ?v) with (n F|-> v).
Lemma type_of_update_with_mode_start mode nv v :
Rcd.type_of (nv |-[mode]-> v) = (nv |-[mode]-> Value.type_of v).
Proof using.
unfold_update_with_mode. desf.
all: now repeat rewrite Rcd.type_of_update.
Lemma type_of_update_with_mode_hop mode nv ne v e r:
Rcd.type_of ((nv, ne) |-[mode]-> (v, e); r) =
((nv, ne) |-[mode]-> (Value.type_of v, Value.type_of e); Rcd.type_of r).
Proof using.
unfold_update_with_mode. desf.
all: now repeat rewrite Rcd.type_of_update.
End MatchMode.
Import MatchMode.
Import UpdateNotations.
Module PatternT.
Definition T := Rcd.T.
Fixpoint type_of (mode : MatchMode.t) (pi : Pattern.t) : T :=
match pi with
| Pattern.start pv =>
(Pattern.vname pv |-[mode]-> Value.GVertexT)
| Pattern.hop pi pe pv =>
((Pattern.vname pv, Pattern.ename pe) |-[mode]->
(Value.GVertexT, Value.GEdgeT); type_of mode pi)
Lemma type_of_None_downgrade mode pi n
(Hval : type_of Full pi n = None) :
type_of mode pi n = None.
Proof using.
induction pi; simpls.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: desf_unfold_pat.
Lemma type_of__dom_vertices (pi : Pattern.t) nv
(Hwf : pi)
(HIn : In nv (Pattern.dom_vertices pi)) :
type_of Full pi nv = Some Value.GVertexT.
Proof using.
induction pi; simpls.
all: inv Hwf.
all: desf.
all: try apply PartialMap.update_eq.
Lemma type_of_explicit__dom_vertices (pi : Pattern.t) nv
(Hwf : pi)
(HIn : In (Name.explicit nv) (Pattern.dom_vertices pi)) :
type_of Explicit pi (Name.explicit nv) = Some Value.GVertexT.
Proof using.
induction pi; simpls.
all: inv Hwf.
all: desf; simpls; desf.
all: try apply PartialMap.update_eq.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: desf_unfold_pat.
all: congruence.
Lemma type_of__dom_edges (pi : Pattern.t) ne
(Hwf : pi)
(HIn : In ne (Pattern.dom_edges pi)) :
type_of Full pi ne = Some Value.GEdgeT.
Proof using.
induction pi; simpls.
all: inv Hwf.
all: desf.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: rewrite PartialMap.update_neq.
all: try apply PartialMap.update_eq.
all: try rewrite PartialMap.update_neq.
all: auto.
all: intro; subst.
all: contradiction.
Lemma type_of_explicit__dom_edges (pi : Pattern.t) ne
(Hwf : pi)
(HIn : In (Name.explicit ne) (Pattern.dom_edges pi)) :
type_of Explicit pi (Name.explicit ne) = Some Value.GEdgeT.
Proof using.
induction pi; simpls.
all: inv Hwf.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: desf.
all: try apply PartialMap.update_eq.
all: try rewrite PartialMap.update_neq.
all: try apply PartialMap.update_eq.
all: try rewrite PartialMap.update_neq.
all: auto.
all: intro; subst.
all: congruence.
Lemma dom_vertices__type_of mode pi nv
(Hwf : pi)
(Htype : type_of mode pi nv = Some Value.GVertexT) :
In nv (Pattern.dom_vertices pi).
Proof using.
induction pi, mode; simpls.
all: inv Hwf.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: desf_unfold_pat.
Lemma dom_edges__type_of mode pi ne
(Hwf : pi)
(Htype : type_of mode pi ne = Some Value.GEdgeT) :
In ne (Pattern.dom_edges pi).
Proof using.
induction pi, mode; simpls.
all: inv Hwf.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: desf_unfold_pat.
Theorem In_dom_vertices__iff (pi : Pattern.t) nv
(Hwf : pi) :
In nv (Pattern.dom_vertices pi) <-> type_of Full pi nv = Some Value.GVertexT.
Proof using.
split; eauto using type_of__dom_vertices, dom_vertices__type_of.
Theorem In_dom_edges__iff (pi : Pattern.t) ne
(Hwf : pi) :
In ne (Pattern.dom_edges pi) <-> type_of Full pi ne = Some Value.GEdgeT.
Proof using.
split; eauto using type_of__dom_edges, dom_edges__type_of.
Theorem In_dom_vertices_explicit__iff (pi : Pattern.t) nv
(Hwf : pi) :
In (Name.explicit nv) (Pattern.dom_vertices pi) <->
type_of Explicit pi (Name.explicit nv) = Some Value.GVertexT.
Proof using.
split; eauto using type_of_explicit__dom_vertices, dom_vertices__type_of.
Theorem In_dom_edges_explicit__iff (pi : Pattern.t) ne
(Hwf : pi) :
In (Name.explicit ne) (Pattern.dom_edges pi) <->
type_of Explicit pi (Name.explicit ne) = Some Value.GEdgeT.
Proof using.
split; eauto using type_of_explicit__dom_edges, dom_edges__type_of.
Theorem In_dom_vertices mode pi nv
(Hwf : pi)
(Hval : type_of mode pi nv = Some Value.GVertexT) :
In nv (Pattern.dom_vertices pi).
Proof using.
destruct mode.
all: induction pi.
all: inv Hwf; simpls.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: desf_unfold_pat.
Theorem In_dom_edges mode pi ne
(Hwf : pi)
(Hval : type_of mode pi ne = Some Value.GEdgeT) :
In ne (Pattern.dom_edges pi).
Proof using.
destruct mode.
all: induction pi.
all: inv Hwf; simpls.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: desf_unfold_pat.
Lemma last__dom_vertices pi :
type_of Full pi (Pattern.vname (Pattern.last pi)) = Some Value.GVertexT.
Proof using.
destruct pi; simpl; apply PartialMap.update_eq.
Theorem type_of_explicit__implicit (pi : Pattern.t) n :
type_of Explicit pi (Name.implicit n) = None.
Proof using.
induction pi; simpls.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: desf; simpls; desf.
all: repeat rewrite PartialMap.update_neq.
all: auto.
all: ins; discriminate.
Theorem type_of__types mode pi k :
type_of mode pi k = Some Value.GVertexT \/
type_of mode pi k = Some Value.GEdgeT \/
type_of mode pi k = None.
Proof using.
induction pi; simpls.
all: destruct mode; simpls.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: desf_unfold_pat.
Theorem In_dom__iff (pi : Pattern.t) k
(Hwf : pi) :
In k (Pattern.dom pi) <-> PartialMap.in_dom k (type_of Full pi).
Proof using.
rewrite Pattern.In_dom.
rewrite In_dom_vertices__iff, In_dom_edges__iff; auto.
unfold PartialMap.in_dom.
split; ins.
all: desf; eauto.
edestruct type_of__types with (mode := Full) as [? | [? | ?]].
all: simpls; eauto.
Theorem In_dom mode pi k
(Hwf : pi)
(Hdom : PartialMap.in_dom k (type_of mode pi)) :
In k (Pattern.dom pi).
Proof using.
unfold PartialMap.in_dom in *.
destruct Hdom as [v Htype].
rewrite Pattern.In_dom.
all: edestruct type_of__types with (mode := mode) (pi := pi) as [? | [? | ?]].
all: try (left; eapply In_dom_vertices; now eauto).
all: try (right; eapply In_dom_edges; now eauto).
all: congruence.
Theorem not_In_dom mode pi k
(Hwf : pi)
(HIn : ~ (In k (Pattern.dom pi))) :
type_of mode pi k = None.
Proof using.
rewrite <- PartialMap.not_in_dom_iff.
ins; eauto using In_dom.
Theorem not_In_dom__iff (pi : Pattern.t) k
(Hwf : pi) :
~ (In k (Pattern.dom pi)) <-> type_of Full pi k = None.
Proof using.
rewrite In_dom__iff; auto.
now rewrite PartialMap.not_in_dom_iff.
Lemma type_of_None pi n
(Htype : type_of Full pi n = None) :
type_of Explicit pi n = None.
Proof using.
induction pi; simpls.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: desf_unfold_pat.
Lemma type_of_explicit_full pi n :
type_of Explicit pi (Name.explicit n) = type_of Full pi (Name.explicit n).
Proof using.
induction pi; simpls.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: desf_unfold_pat.
Definition imp_name_unique (pi : Pattern.t) (n : Name.t) : Prop :=
match n with
| Name.implicit n => type_of Full pi (Name.implicit n) = None
| Name.explicit _ => True
Inductive wfT : Pattern.t -> Prop :=
| wfT_start pv : wfT (Pattern.start pv)
| wfT_hop pi pe pv (Hwf : wfT pi)
(Hpv_neq_pe : Pattern.vname pv <> Pattern.ename pe)
(Htype_pv_imp : imp_name_unique pi (Pattern.vname pv))
(Htype_pe : type_of Full pi (Pattern.ename pe) = None)
(Htype_pv : type_of Full pi (Pattern.vname pv) = None \/
type_of Full pi (Pattern.vname pv) = Some Value.GVertexT) :
wfT (Pattern.hop pi pe pv).
Lemma wfT_wf pi (Hwf : wfT pi) : pi.
Proof using.
induction Hwf; constructor; auto.
{ ins. unfold imp_name_unique in *.
rewrite Pattern.In_dom_vertices_implicit.
apply Pattern.not_In_dom_vertices.
rewrite not_In_dom__iff; desf. }
{ rewrite In_dom_edges__iff; auto. intro; congruence. }
{ rewrite In_dom_vertices__iff; auto. intro; desf; congruence. }
{ rewrite In_dom_edges__iff; auto.
intros; destruct Htype_pv; congruence. }
Lemma wf_wfT pi (Hwf : pi) : wfT pi.
Proof using.
induction Hwf; constructor; auto.
3: { edestruct type_of__types as [Hty | [Hty | Hty]]; eauto.
exfalso. apply HIn_pv.
rewrite In_dom_edges__iff; auto. }
2: { rewrite <- not_In_dom__iff, Pattern.In_dom; auto.
unfold not in *. ins; desf; auto. }
ins; unfold imp_name_unique in *; desf.
rewrite <- not_In_dom__iff; auto.
rewrite Pattern.In_dom.
rewrite <- Pattern.In_dom_vertices_implicit.
intros [contra | contra].
{ eapply HIn_pv_imp; eauto. }
now apply HIn_pv.
Theorem wf_wfT_iff pi : pi <-> wfT pi.
Proof using.
split; auto using wfT_wf, wf_wfT.
Lemma type_of_Some_upgrade mode pi n v
(Hwf : wfT pi)
(Hval : type_of mode pi n = Some v) :
type_of Full pi n = Some v.
Proof using.
induction pi; inv Hwf; simpls.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: desf.
all: desf_unfold_pat; desf; auto.
all: apply IHpi in Hval; auto.
all: congruence.
Lemma last_neq_pe pi pe pv
(Hwf : wfT (Pattern.hop pi pe pv)) :
Pattern.vname (Pattern.last pi) <> Pattern.ename pe.
Proof using.
pose proof last__dom_vertices as H.
specialize (H pi).
inv Hwf.
intro contra; congruence.
Lemma last_neq_pv pi pe pv
(Hwf : wfT (Pattern.hop pi pe pv))
(HIn : PatternT.type_of Full pi (Pattern.vname pv) = None) :
Pattern.vname (Pattern.last pi) <> Pattern.vname pv.
Proof using.
pose proof last__dom_vertices as H.
specialize (H pi).
inv Hwf.
intro contra; congruence.
Lemma explicit_projT_type_of mode pi :
Rcd.explicit_projT (type_of mode pi) = type_of Explicit pi.
Proof using.
destruct mode.
all: induction pi; simpls.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: unfold Rcd.explicit_projT in *.
all: extensionality k.
all: try apply (f_equal (fun f => f k)) in IHpi.
all: desf_unfold_pat.
End PatternT.
Module Path.
Inductive t :=
| start (v : vertex)
| hop (p : t) (e : edge) (v : vertex).
Definition last (p : t) :=
match p with
| hop _ _ v => v
| start v => v
Section matches.
Import Pattern.
Variable mode : MatchMode.t.
Variable g : PropertyGraph.t.
Record matches_pvertex (v : vertex) (pv : pvertex) : Prop := {
vertex_in_g : In v (PropertyGraph.vertices g);
matches_vlabel : forall l, Pattern.vlabel pv = Some l ->
In l (PropertyGraph.vlabels g v);
matches_vprops : Forall (fun '(k, val) => get_vprop g k v = Some val)
(Pattern.vprops pv);
Record matches_pedge (e : edge) (pe : pedge) : Prop := {
edge_in_g : In e (PropertyGraph.edges g);
matches_elabel : forall l, Pattern.elabel pe = Some l ->
PropertyGraph.elabel g e = l;
matches_eprops : Forall (fun '(k, val) => get_eprop g k e = Some val)
(Pattern.eprops pe);
Definition matches_direction (from to : vertex) (e : edge) (d : direction) : Prop :=
match d with
| OUT => ends g e = (from, to)
| IN => ends g e = (to, from)
| BOTH => ends g e = (from, to) \/ ends g e = (to, from)
Definition ends_match_decb (e : edge) (from to : vertex) : bool :=
ends g e ==b (from, to).
Definition matches_direction_decb (from to : vertex) (e : edge) (d : direction) : bool :=
match d with
| OUT => ends_match_decb e from to
| IN => ends_match_decb e to from
| BOTH => ends_match_decb e from to || ends_match_decb e to from
Definition matches_direction_dec (from to : vertex) (e : edge) (d : direction) :
{matches_direction from to e d} + {~ matches_direction from to e d}.
Proof using.
refine (
if matches_direction_decb from to e d == true
then left _ else right _
all: unfold matches_direction_decb, matches_direction,
ends_match_decb, equiv, complement in *.
all: desf.
all: try rewrite -> Bool.orb_true_iff in e0.
all: try rewrite -> Bool.orb_true_iff in c.
all: repeat rewrite -> equiv_decb_true_iff in e0.
all: repeat rewrite -> equiv_decb_true_iff in c.
all: auto.
Inductive matches : Rcd.t -> Path.t -> Pattern.t -> Prop :=
| matches_nil (pv : pvertex) (v : vertex)
(Hpv : matches_pvertex v pv) :
matches (vname pv |-[mode]-> Value.GVertex v)
(Path.start v) (Pattern.start pv)
| matches_cons (v : vertex) (e : edge) (p : Path.t) (r : Rcd.t)
(pv : pvertex) (pe : pedge) (pi : Pattern.t)
(Hpi : matches r p pi) (Hpe : matches_pedge e pe)
(Hdir : matches_direction (Path.last p) v e (Pattern.edir pe))
(Hpv : matches_pvertex v pv)
(Hprev : r (Pattern.vname pv) = None \/
r (Pattern.vname pv) = Some (Value.GVertex v)) :
matches ((vname pv, ename pe) |-[mode]-> (Value.GVertex v, Value.GEdge e); r)
(Path.hop p e v) (Pattern.hop pi pe pv)
End matches.
Theorem matches_in_dom_vertex mode graph path pi r' n
(Hmatch : matches mode graph r' path pi)
(HIn : PatternT.type_of mode pi n = Some Value.GVertexT) :
exists v, r' n = Some (Value.GVertex v).
Proof using.
destruct mode.
all: induction Hmatch.
all: destruct Hpv; try destruct Hpe; simpls.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: simpls; desf_unfold_pat; desf.
all: eauto.
Theorem matches_in_dom_edge mode graph path pi r' n
(Hmatch : matches mode graph r' path pi)
(HIn : PatternT.type_of mode pi n = Some Value.GEdgeT) :
exists e, r' n = Some (Value.GEdge e).
Proof using.
destruct mode.
all: induction Hmatch.
all: destruct Hpv; try destruct Hpe; simpls.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: simpls; desf_unfold_pat; desf.
all: eauto.
Theorem matches_not_in_dom_iff mode graph path pi r' n
(Hmatch : matches mode graph r' path pi) :
PatternT.type_of mode pi n = None <-> r' n = None.
Proof using.
destruct mode.
all: induction Hmatch.
all: destruct Hpv; try destruct Hpe; simpls.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: simpls; desf_unfold_pat; desf.
Theorem matches_full_last graph path pi r'
(Hmatch : matches Full graph r' path pi) :
r' (Pattern.vname (Pattern.last pi)) = Some (Value.GVertex (Path.last path)).
Proof using.
destruct pi.
all: inv Hmatch.
all: destruct Hpv; try destruct Hpe; simpls.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: apply PartialMap.update_eq.
Theorem matches_last mode graph path pi r' v
(Hmatch : matches mode graph r' path pi)
(Hval : r' (Pattern.vname (Pattern.last pi)) = Some (Value.GVertex v)) :
Path.last path = v.
Proof using.
destruct mode, pi.
all: inv Hmatch.
all: destruct Hpv; try destruct Hpe; simpls.
all: unfold_update_with_mode.
all: simpls; desf.
all: try rewrite PartialMap.update_eq in Hval.
all: try rewrite PartialMap.update_neq in Hval.
all: desf.
Lemma explicit_proj__update_with_mode_hop mode n v r :
Rcd.explicit_proj (n |-[mode]-> v; r) =
(n E|-> v; (Rcd.explicit_proj r)).
Proof using.
extensionality k.
unfold Rcd.explicit_proj.
Lemma explicit_proj__update_with_mode_start mode n v :
Rcd.explicit_proj (n |-[mode]-> v) =
(n E|-> v).
Proof using.
extensionality k.
unfold Rcd.explicit_proj.
Theorem matches_explicit_proj mode graph path pi r
(Hmatch : matches mode graph r path pi) :
matches Explicit graph (Rcd.explicit_proj r) path pi.
Proof using.
destruct mode.
all: induction Hmatch.
all: repeat rewrite explicit_proj__update_with_mode_hop.
all: try rewrite explicit_proj__update_with_mode_start.
all: constructor; auto.
all: unfold Rcd.explicit_proj; desf; auto.
Theorem matches_two_records graph mode path pi r1 r2
(Hmatch1 : matches mode graph r1 path pi)
(Hmatch2 : matches mode graph r2 path pi) :
r1 = r2.
Proof using.
gen_dep r2.
induction Hmatch1; ins; inv Hmatch2.
destruct Hpv; destruct Hpe.
destruct Hpv0; destruct Hpe0.
extensionality k.
erewrite IHHmatch1; [ | eauto ].
unfold update_with_mode_hop in *.
Theorem matches_both_modes mode graph path pi r r'
(Hmatch : matches Explicit graph r path pi)
(Hmatch' : matches mode graph r' path pi) :
r = Rcd.explicit_proj r'.
Proof using.
gen_dep r'.
induction Hmatch; intros; inv Hmatch'.
all: repeat rewrite explicit_proj__update_with_mode_hop.
{ now rewrite explicit_proj__update_with_mode_start. }
erewrite IHHmatch; eauto.
Theorem matches_explicit_exists_proj mode graph path pi r
(Hwf : PatternT.wfT pi)
(Hmatch : matches Explicit graph r path pi) :
exists r', matches mode graph r' path pi.
Proof using.
destruct mode.
all: induction Hmatch.
all: inv Hwf.
all: try destruct IHHmatch as [r' Hmatch']; auto.
all: eexists; splits.
all: econstructor; eauto.
all: erewrite -> matches_both_modes with (r := r) in Hprev; eauto.
all: unfold Rcd.explicit_proj in Hprev.
all: unfold PatternT.imp_name_unique in *.
all: desf; auto.
all: left; erewrite <- matches_not_in_dom_iff;
[ eapply PatternT.type_of_None_downgrade | ].
all: eauto.
Theorem matches_type_of mode graph path pi r
(Hmatch : matches mode graph r path pi) :
PatternT.type_of mode pi = Rcd.type_of r.
Proof using.
destruct mode.
all: induction Hmatch.
all: unfold update_with_mode_start, update_with_mode_hop.
all: simpls; desf.
all: repeat rewrite Rcd.type_of_update.
all: try rewrite IHHmatch.
all: auto.
End Path.
(* Notation "g , u , p '|=' pi" := (Path.matches g u p pi) (at level 80, p at next level, u at next level, pi at next level, no associativity) : type_scope. *)
Section QueryExpr.
Import QueryExpr.
Import Value.
Section eval_qexpr.
Variable g : PropertyGraph.t.
Variable u : Rcd.t.
Fixpoint eval_qexpr (a : QueryExpr.t) : option Value.t :=
match a with
| QEVertex v => Some(GVertex v)
| QEEdge e => Some(GEdge e)
| QEVar n => u (Name.explicit n)
| QEProj a k => option_map Value.from_property
match eval_qexpr a with
| Some (GVertex v) => get_vprop g k v
| Some (GEdge e) => get_eprop g k e
| _ => None
| QEEq a1 a2 =>
match eval_qexpr a1, eval_qexpr a2 with
| Some (Bool b1), Some (Bool b2) => Some (Bool (b1 ==b b2))
| Some (Int i1), Some (Int i2) => Some (Bool (i1 ==b i2))
| Some (Str s1), Some (Str s2) => Some (Bool (s1 ==b s2))
| Some (Bool _), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some (Int _), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some (Str _), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Bool _) => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Int _) => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Str _) => Some Unknown
| _, _ => None
| QENe a1 a2 =>
match eval_qexpr a1, eval_qexpr a2 with
| Some (Bool b1), Some (Bool b2) => Some (Bool (b1 <>b b2))
| Some (Int i1), Some (Int i2) => Some (Bool (i1 <>b i2))
| Some (Str s1), Some (Str s2) => Some (Bool (s1 <>b s2))
| Some (Bool _), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some (Int _), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some (Str _), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Bool _) => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Int _) => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Str _) => Some Unknown
| _, _ => None
| QELe a1 a2 =>
match eval_qexpr a1, eval_qexpr a2 with
| Some (Bool b1), Some (Bool b2) => Some (Bool (implb b1 b2))
| Some (Int i1), Some (Int i2) => Some (Bool (BinIntDef.Z.leb i1 i2))
| Some (Str s1), Some (Str s2) => Some (Bool (String.leb s1 s2))
| Some (Bool _), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some (Int _), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some (Str _), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Bool _) => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Int _) => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Str _) => Some Unknown
| _, _ => None
| QEGe a1 a2 =>
match eval_qexpr a1, eval_qexpr a2 with
| Some (Bool b1), Some (Bool b2) => Some (Bool (implb b2 b1))
| Some (Int i1), Some (Int i2) => Some (Bool (BinIntDef.Z.geb i1 i2))
| Some (Str s1), Some (Str s2) => Some (Bool (String.leb s2 s1))
| Some (Bool _), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some (Int _), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some (Str _), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Bool _) => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Int _) => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Str _) => Some Unknown
| _, _ => None
| QELt a1 a2 =>
match eval_qexpr a1, eval_qexpr a2 with
| Some (Bool b1), Some (Bool b2) => Some (Bool (negb (implb b2 b1)))
| Some (Int i1), Some (Int i2) => Some (Bool (BinIntDef.Z.ltb i1 i2))
| Some (Str s1), Some (Str s2) => Some (Bool (String.ltb s1 s2))
| Some (Bool _), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some (Int _), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some (Str _), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Bool _) => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Int _) => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Str _) => Some Unknown
| _, _ => None
| QEGt a1 a2 =>
match eval_qexpr a1, eval_qexpr a2 with
| Some (Bool b1), Some (Bool b2) => Some (Bool (negb (implb b1 b2)))
| Some (Int i1), Some (Int i2) => Some (Bool (BinIntDef.Z.gtb i1 i2))
| Some (Str s1), Some (Str s2) => Some (Bool (String.ltb s2 s1))
| Some (Bool _), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some (Int _), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some (Str _), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Bool _) => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Int _) => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Str _) => Some Unknown
| _, _ => None
| QETrue => Some (Bool true)
| QEFalse => Some (Bool false)
| QEUnknown => Some Unknown
| QEOr a1 a2 =>
match eval_qexpr a1, eval_qexpr a2 with
| Some (Bool true), Some (Bool true) => Some (Bool true)
| Some (Bool true), Some (Bool false) => Some (Bool true)
| Some (Bool false), Some (Bool true) => Some (Bool true)
| Some (Bool false), Some (Bool false) => Some (Bool false)
| Some (Bool true), Some Unknown => Some (Bool true)
| Some (Bool false), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Bool true) => Some (Bool true)
| Some Unknown, Some (Bool false) => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| _, _ => None
| QEAnd a1 a2 =>
match eval_qexpr a1, eval_qexpr a2 with
| Some (Bool true), Some (Bool true) => Some (Bool true)
| Some (Bool true), Some (Bool false) => Some (Bool false)
| Some (Bool false), Some (Bool true) => Some (Bool false)
| Some (Bool false), Some (Bool false) => Some (Bool false)
| Some (Bool true), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some (Bool false), Some Unknown => Some (Bool false)
| Some Unknown, Some (Bool true) => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Bool false) => Some (Bool false)
| Some Unknown, Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| _, _ => None
| QEXor a1 a2 =>
match eval_qexpr a1, eval_qexpr a2 with
| Some (Bool true), Some (Bool true) => Some (Bool false)
| Some (Bool true), Some (Bool false) => Some (Bool true)
| Some (Bool false), Some (Bool true) => Some (Bool true)
| Some (Bool false), Some (Bool false) => Some (Bool false)
| Some (Bool true), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some (Bool false), Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Bool true) => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some (Bool false) => Some Unknown
| Some Unknown, Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| _, _ => None
| QENot a =>
match eval_qexpr a with
| Some (Bool true) => Some (Bool false)
| Some (Bool false) => Some (Bool true)
| Some Unknown => Some Unknown
| _ => None
| QEIsUnknown a =>
match eval_qexpr a with
| Some (Bool true) => Some (Bool false)
| Some (Bool false) => Some (Bool false)
| Some Unknown => Some (Bool true)
| _ => None
| QEIsNotUnknown a =>
match eval_qexpr a with
| Some (Bool true) => Some (Bool true)
| Some (Bool false) => Some (Bool true)
| Some Unknown => Some (Bool false)
| _ => None
| QEIsTrue a =>
match eval_qexpr a with
| Some (Bool true) => Some (Bool true)
| Some (Bool false) => Some (Bool false)
| Some Unknown => Some (Bool false)
| _ => None
| QEIsNotTrue a =>
match eval_qexpr a with
| Some (Bool true) => Some (Bool false)
| Some (Bool false) => Some (Bool true)
| Some Unknown => Some (Bool true)
| _ => None
| QEIsFalse a =>
match eval_qexpr a with
| Some (Bool true) => Some (Bool false)
| Some (Bool false) => Some (Bool true)
| Some Unknown => Some (Bool false)
| _ => None
| QEIsNotFalse a =>
match eval_qexpr a with
| Some (Bool true) => Some (Bool true)
| Some (Bool false) => Some (Bool false)
| Some Unknown => Some (Bool true)
| _ => None
End eval_qexpr.
End QueryExpr.
Module EvalQuery.
Module Type Spec.
Parameter eval_match_clause : PropertyGraph.t -> Pattern.t -> option BindingTable.t.
Axiom match_clause_wf : forall graph pattern, graph -> PatternT.wfT pattern ->
exists table', eval_match_clause graph pattern = Some table'.
Axiom match_clause_type : forall graph pattern table',
eval_match_clause graph pattern = Some table' ->
PatternT.wfT pattern ->
BindingTable.of_type table' (PatternT.type_of Explicit pattern).
Axiom match_clause_spec : forall graph path pattern table' r',
eval_match_clause graph pattern = Some table' -> graph -> PatternT.wfT pattern ->
Path.matches Explicit graph r' path pattern ->
In r' table'.
Axiom match_clause_spec' : forall graph pattern table' r',
eval_match_clause graph pattern = Some table' -> graph -> PatternT.wfT pattern -> In r' table' ->
exists path, Path.matches Explicit graph r' path pattern.
End Spec.
Module SpecComplete (Spec1 Spec2 : Spec).
Import BindingTable.Notations.
Lemma match_clause_unique graph pattern table1 table2
(Hwf_graph : graph)
(Hwf_pattern : PatternT.wfT pattern)
(Hres1 : Spec1.eval_match_clause graph pattern = Some table1)
(Hres2 : Spec2.eval_match_clause graph pattern = Some table2) :
table1 ~~ table2.
Proof using.
unfold BindingTable.equiv; ins.
split; ins.
{ edestruct Spec1.match_clause_spec'; eauto.
eapply Spec2.match_clause_spec; eauto. }
{ edestruct Spec2.match_clause_spec'; eauto.
eapply Spec1.match_clause_spec; eauto. }
End SpecComplete.
End EvalQuery.