Require Export List.
Require Export String.
(* We don't import Bool because of notation conflicts with RelationAlgebra*)
(* Require Import Bool. *)
Require Export List.
Require Export BinNums.
From hahn Require Export HahnBase.
From Coq Require Export Classes.EquivDec.
From Coq Require Export Classes.RelationClasses.
From Coq Require Export Logic.FunctionalExtensionality.
Export ListNotations.
Open Scope string_scope.
(* To override notation from Classes.EquivDec *)
Notation "x <> y" := (not (eq x y)).
Definition coerce_sumbool {A B : Prop} (x : {A} + {B}) : bool :=
if x then true else false.
Coercion coerce_sumbool : sumbool >-> bool.
Definition option_bind {A B : Type} (x : option A) (f : A -> option B) : option B :=
match x with
| Some x' => f x'
| None => None
Infix ">>=" := option_bind (at level 58, left associativity).
Program Instance int_eq_eqdec : EqDec Z eq := BinInt.Z.eq_dec.
Program Instance string_eqdec : EqDec string eq := String.string_dec.
Program Instance nat_eqdec : EqDec nat eq := PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec.
Instance option_eqdec {A : Type} `{eq_dec : EqDec A eq} : EqDec (option A) eq.
Proof using.
unfold EqDec, equiv, complement in *.
intros [x|] [y|].
all: try now left.
all: try now right.
all: specialize (eq_dec x y); destruct eq_dec.
{ subst. now left. }
right. now inversion 1.
Lemma equiv_decb_true : forall {A : Type} `{EqDec A eq} (a b : A),
a = b -> a ==b b = true.
Proof using.
intros A ? ? a b Heq.
unfold equiv_decb.
destruct (a == b) as [Heq' | Hneq'].
- reflexivity.
- exfalso. apply Hneq'. apply Heq.
Lemma equiv_decb_false : forall {A : Type} `{EqDec A eq} (a b : A),
a <> b -> a ==b b = false.
Proof using.
intros A ? ? a b Hneq.
unfold equiv_decb.
destruct (a == b) as [Heq' | Hneq'].
- exfalso. apply Hneq. apply Heq'.
- reflexivity.
Lemma equiv_decb_true' : forall {A : Type} `{EqDec A eq} (a b : A),
a ==b b = true -> a = b.
Proof using.
intros A ? ? a b H.
unfold equiv_decb in H.
destruct (a == b) as [Heq' | Hneq'].
- apply Heq'.
- discriminate H.
Lemma equiv_decb_false' : forall {A : Type} `{EqDec A eq} (a b : A),
a ==b b = false -> a <> b.
Proof using.
intros A ? ? a b H.
unfold equiv_decb in H.
destruct (a == b) as [Heq' | Hneq'].
- discriminate H.
- apply Hneq'.
Lemma equiv_decb_true_iff : forall {A : Type} `{EqDec A eq} (a b : A),
(a ==b b) = true <-> a = b.
Proof using.
intros. split.
apply equiv_decb_true'.
apply equiv_decb_true.
Lemma equiv_decbP : forall {A : Type} `{EqDec A eq} (x y : A),
Bool.reflect (x = y) (x ==b y).
Proof using.
intros A ? ? x y. unfold equiv_decb.
destruct (x == y) as [Heq | Hneq].
+ apply Bool.ReflectT. apply Heq.
+ apply Bool.ReflectF. apply Hneq.
Instance neq_symmetric {A : Type} : Symmetric (fun (x y : A) => ~(x = y)).
Proof using.
intros x y Hneq Heq.
apply Hneq. symmetry. apply Heq.
Instance unequiv_symmetric {A : Type} : Symmetric (fun (x y : A) => x =/= y).
Proof using.
intros x y Hneq Heq.
apply Hneq. symmetry. apply Heq.
Fixpoint In_dec {A : Type} `{EqDec A eq} (a : A) (xs : list A) : {In a xs} + {~ In a xs}.
refine (match xs with
| nil => right _
| x :: xs => if (a == x) then left _ else
match In_dec _ _ _ a xs with
| left p => left _
| right np => right _
all: unfold equiv, complement in *.
all: simpl in *; subst.
all: auto.
intros contra. desf.
Definition In_decb {A : Type} `{EqDec A eq} (a : A) (xs : list A) : bool := In_dec a xs.
Theorem In_decbP {A : Type} `{EqDec A eq} (a : A) (xs : list A) :
Bool.reflect (In a xs) (In_decb a xs).
Proof using.
unfold In_decb.
destruct (In_dec a xs).
{ now apply Bool.ReflectT. }
{ now apply Bool.ReflectF. }
Lemma In_decb_true_iff : forall {A : Type} `{EqDec A eq} (a : A) (xs : list A),
In_decb a xs = true <-> In a xs.
Proof using.
intros. unfold In_decb.
destruct (In_dec a xs) as [HIn | HIn].
all: split; auto.
Fixpoint fold_option {A : Type} (xs : list (option A)) : option (list A) :=
match xs with
| nil => Some nil
| x :: xs => x >>= fun x' => fold_option xs >>= fun xs' => Some (x' :: xs')
Lemma fold_option_some (A : Type) (xs : list (option A))
(Hsome : forall a, In a xs -> exists a', a = Some a') :
exists xs', fold_option xs = Some xs'.
Proof using.
induction xs as [| x xs]. { now eexists. }
destruct Hsome with x. { now left. }
destruct IHxs as [? IHxs]. { intros. apply Hsome. now right. }
subst. simpl. rewrite IHxs. simpl. now eexists.
Lemma fold_option_some_inv {A : Type} (xs : list (option A)) (xs' : list A) (a : option A)
(Hres : fold_option xs = Some xs') (HIn : In a xs) :
exists a', a = Some a'.
Proof using.
generalize dependent xs'.
induction xs as [| x xs]; ins.
simpls. unfold option_bind in *.
desf. { now eexists. }
eapply IHxs; eauto.
Lemma fold_option_In {A : Type} (xs : list (option A)) (xs' : list A) (a' : A)
(H : fold_option xs = Some xs') :
In (Some a') xs <-> In a' xs'.
Proof using.
generalize dependent xs'.
induction xs as [| x xs]; ins.
{ inv H. }
all: destruct xs' as [|x' xs']; try easy.
all: unfold option_bind in *; desf.
all: intros [Hx | Hx]; subst; auto.
{ inv Hx. now left. }
{ right. now apply IHxs. }
apply IHxs in Hx; auto.
Lemma fold_option_none {A : Type} (xs : list (option A))
(Hnone : In None xs) :
fold_option xs = None.
Proof using.
induction xs as [| x xs], Hnone; subst; auto.
simpl. rewrite (IHxs H). now destruct x.
Lemma option_map_some (A B : Type) (f : A -> B) (a : option A) (y : B)
(Hres : option_map f a = Some y) :
exists x, f x = y /\ a = Some x.
Proof using.
destruct a as [x |]; [exists x | inv Hres].
split; simpls; desf.
Definition concat_option {A : Type} (xs : list (option (list A))) : option (list A) :=
option_map (@List.concat A) (fold_option xs).
Theorem in_concat_option_iff {A : Type} (a : A)
(xs : list (option (list A)))
(ys : list A)
(Hres : concat_option xs = Some ys) :
In a ys <-> exists x, In (Some x) xs /\ In a x.
Proof using.
unfold concat_option in Hres.
destruct (fold_option xs) eqn:Hfold; try discriminate.
simpls. desf.
rewrite in_concat.
setoid_rewrite fold_option_In; eauto.
split; ins; desf; eauto.
Theorem concat_option_some_inv {A : Type}
(xs : list (option (list A)))
(ys : list A) (x : option (list A))
(HIn : In x xs)
(Hres : concat_option xs = Some ys) :
exists y, x = Some y.
Proof using.
unfold concat_option.
edestruct option_map_some; eauto. desc.
eapply fold_option_some_inv; eauto.
Theorem concat_option_some_inv_cons {A : Type}
(xs : list (option (list A)))
(ys : list A) (x : option (list A))
(Hres : concat_option (x :: xs) = Some ys) :
exists (y ys' : list A), x = Some y /\
ys = app y ys' /\
concat_option xs = Some ys'.
Proof using.
unfold concat_option in *.
edestruct option_map_some; eauto. desc.
clear Hres. simpls.
unfold option_bind in *. desf.
do 2 eexists. splits; eauto.
{ now rewrite concat_cons. }
Ltac apply_concat_option_some_inv_cons :=
match goal with
| [ H : concat_option (?x :: ?xs) = Some ?ys |- _ ] =>
apply concat_option_some_inv_cons in H; desc
Theorem concat_option_nil (A : Type) : @concat_option A [] = Some [].
Proof using. reflexivity. Qed.
Theorem concat_option_some (A : Type) (xs : list (option (list A)))
(Hsome : forall x, In x xs -> exists x', x = Some x') :
exists xs', concat_option xs = Some xs'.
Proof using.
unfold concat_option.
edestruct fold_option_some as [? Hfold]; eauto.
rewrite Hfold. simpl. eauto.
Definition concat_option_map {A B : Type}
(f : A -> option (list B))
(xs : list A) : option (list B) :=
concat_option (map f xs).
Theorem in_concat_option_map_iff {A B : Type}
(f : A -> option (list B))
(xs : list A) (ys : list B) (b : B)
(Hres : concat_option_map f xs = Some ys) :
In b ys <-> exists x y, In x xs /\ In b y /\ f x = Some y.
Proof using.
unfold concat_option_map in *.
rewrite in_concat_option_iff; eauto.
setoid_rewrite in_map_iff.
split; ins; desf; eauto.
Theorem concat_option_map_some_inv {A B : Type}
(f : A -> option (list B))
(xs : list A) (ys : list B)
(x : A) (HIn : In x xs)
(Hres : concat_option_map f xs = Some ys) :
exists y, f x = Some y.
Proof using.
unfold concat_option_map in Hres.
eapply concat_option_some_inv; eauto.
now apply in_map.
Theorem concat_option_map_some (A B : Type)
(f : A -> option (list B)) (xs : list A)
(Hsome : forall x, In x xs -> exists y, f x = Some y) :
exists xs', concat_option_map f xs = Some xs'.
Proof using.
unfold concat_option_map.
eapply concat_option_some; eauto.
intros ? HIn.
rewrite in_map_iff in HIn. desf.
now apply Hsome.
Section filter_map.
Variable A B : Type.
Variable f : A -> option B.
Fixpoint filter_map (xs : list A) : list B :=
match xs with
| nil => nil
| x :: xs =>
match f x with
| Some y => y :: filter_map xs
| None => filter_map xs
End filter_map.
Arguments filter_map {A B} f xs.
Lemma filter_map_In {A B : Type} (f : A -> option B) (xs : list A) (y : B) :
In y (filter_map f xs) <-> exists x, f x = Some y /\ In x xs.
Proof using.
unfold filter_map.
induction xs as [| x xs IHxs ]; simpls.
{ split; ins; desf. }
split; ins.
- desf; simpls; desf.
all: try (eexists; split; eauto; now left).
all: try match goal with
| [ H : In _ _, IH : In _ _ -> _ |- _ ] => apply IH in H
end; desf; eauto.
- desf; simpls.
all: try now left.
all: try right.
all: match goal with
| [ IH : _ -> In _ _ |- _ ] => apply IH
all: eexists; split; eauto.
Lemma NoDup_cons_l (A : Type) (x : A) (xs : list A) (Hdup : NoDup (x :: xs)) :
~ In x xs.
Proof using.
apply NoDup_cons_iff in Hdup. desf.
Lemma NoDup_cons_r (A : Type) (x : A) (xs : list A) (Hdup : NoDup (x :: xs)) :
NoDup xs.
Proof using.
apply NoDup_cons_iff in Hdup. desf.
Lemma NoDup_cons_contra (A : Type) (x : A) (xs : list A)
(Hdup : NoDup (x :: xs)) (HIn : In x xs) : False.
Proof using.
eapply NoDup_cons_l; eassumption.
Ltac normalize_bool :=
repeat match goal with
| [ H : negb _ = true |- _ ] => rewrite Bool.negb_true_iff in H
| [ H : negb _ <> true |- _ ] => rewrite Bool.negb_true_iff in H
| [ H : _ = false |- _ ] => rewrite <- Bool.not_true_iff_false in H
| [ H : _ <> false |- _ ] => rewrite -> Bool.not_false_iff_true in H
| [ H : (In_decb _ _) = true |- _ ] => rewrite -> In_decb_true_iff in H
| [ H : (In_decb _ _) <> true |- _ ] => rewrite -> In_decb_true_iff in H
| [ H : (_ ==b _) = true |- _ ] => rewrite -> equiv_decb_true_iff in H
| [ H : (_ ==b _) <> true |- _ ] => rewrite -> equiv_decb_true_iff in H
Ltac inj_subst :=
repeat match goal with
| [ H : Some ?x = Some ?y |- _ ] =>
injection H as H; try subst y; try subst x
Tactic Notation "gen_dep" ident(a) :=
generalize dependent a.
Tactic Notation "gen_dep" ident(a) ident(b) :=
generalize dependent a; gen_dep b.
Tactic Notation "gen_dep" ident(a) ident(b) ident(c) :=
generalize dependent a; gen_dep b c.
Tactic Notation "gen_dep" ident(a) ident(b) ident(c) ident(d) :=
generalize dependent a; gen_dep b c d.
Tactic Notation "gen_dep" ident(a) ident(b) ident(c) ident(d) ident(e) :=
generalize dependent a; gen_dep b c d e.
Tactic Notation "gen_dep" ident(a) ident(b) ident(c) ident(d) ident(e) ident(f) :=
generalize dependent a; gen_dep b c d e f.
Tactic Notation "gen_dep" ident(a) ident(b) ident(c) ident(d) ident(e) ident(f) ident(g) :=
generalize dependent a; gen_dep b c d e f g.
Tactic Notation "gen_dep" ident(a) ident(b) ident(c) ident(d) ident(e) ident(f) ident(g) ident(h) :=
generalize dependent a; gen_dep b c d e f g h.
Tactic Notation "gen_dep" ident(a) ident(b) ident(c) ident(d) ident(e) ident(f) ident(g) ident(h) ident(i) :=
generalize dependent a; gen_dep b c d e f g h i.
Fixpoint tails {A : Type} (xs : list A) : list (list A) :=
match xs with
| [] => [[]]
| x :: xs => (x :: xs) :: tails xs
Theorem tails_hd {A : Type} (xs : list A) :
tails xs = xs :: tl (tails xs).
Proof using. now destruct xs. Qed.
Theorem map_tl {A B : Type} (f : A -> B) (xs : list A) :
map f (tl xs) = tl (map f xs).
Proof using. now destruct xs. Qed.
Require Export String.
(* We don't import Bool because of notation conflicts with RelationAlgebra*)
(* Require Import Bool. *)
Require Export List.
Require Export BinNums.
From hahn Require Export HahnBase.
From Coq Require Export Classes.EquivDec.
From Coq Require Export Classes.RelationClasses.
From Coq Require Export Logic.FunctionalExtensionality.
Export ListNotations.
Open Scope string_scope.
(* To override notation from Classes.EquivDec *)
Notation "x <> y" := (not (eq x y)).
Definition coerce_sumbool {A B : Prop} (x : {A} + {B}) : bool :=
if x then true else false.
Coercion coerce_sumbool : sumbool >-> bool.
Definition option_bind {A B : Type} (x : option A) (f : A -> option B) : option B :=
match x with
| Some x' => f x'
| None => None
Infix ">>=" := option_bind (at level 58, left associativity).
Program Instance int_eq_eqdec : EqDec Z eq := BinInt.Z.eq_dec.
Program Instance string_eqdec : EqDec string eq := String.string_dec.
Program Instance nat_eqdec : EqDec nat eq := PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec.
Instance option_eqdec {A : Type} `{eq_dec : EqDec A eq} : EqDec (option A) eq.
Proof using.
unfold EqDec, equiv, complement in *.
intros [x|] [y|].
all: try now left.
all: try now right.
all: specialize (eq_dec x y); destruct eq_dec.
{ subst. now left. }
right. now inversion 1.
Lemma equiv_decb_true : forall {A : Type} `{EqDec A eq} (a b : A),
a = b -> a ==b b = true.
Proof using.
intros A ? ? a b Heq.
unfold equiv_decb.
destruct (a == b) as [Heq' | Hneq'].
- reflexivity.
- exfalso. apply Hneq'. apply Heq.
Lemma equiv_decb_false : forall {A : Type} `{EqDec A eq} (a b : A),
a <> b -> a ==b b = false.
Proof using.
intros A ? ? a b Hneq.
unfold equiv_decb.
destruct (a == b) as [Heq' | Hneq'].
- exfalso. apply Hneq. apply Heq'.
- reflexivity.
Lemma equiv_decb_true' : forall {A : Type} `{EqDec A eq} (a b : A),
a ==b b = true -> a = b.
Proof using.
intros A ? ? a b H.
unfold equiv_decb in H.
destruct (a == b) as [Heq' | Hneq'].
- apply Heq'.
- discriminate H.
Lemma equiv_decb_false' : forall {A : Type} `{EqDec A eq} (a b : A),
a ==b b = false -> a <> b.
Proof using.
intros A ? ? a b H.
unfold equiv_decb in H.
destruct (a == b) as [Heq' | Hneq'].
- discriminate H.
- apply Hneq'.
Lemma equiv_decb_true_iff : forall {A : Type} `{EqDec A eq} (a b : A),
(a ==b b) = true <-> a = b.
Proof using.
intros. split.
apply equiv_decb_true'.
apply equiv_decb_true.
Lemma equiv_decbP : forall {A : Type} `{EqDec A eq} (x y : A),
Bool.reflect (x = y) (x ==b y).
Proof using.
intros A ? ? x y. unfold equiv_decb.
destruct (x == y) as [Heq | Hneq].
+ apply Bool.ReflectT. apply Heq.
+ apply Bool.ReflectF. apply Hneq.
Instance neq_symmetric {A : Type} : Symmetric (fun (x y : A) => ~(x = y)).
Proof using.
intros x y Hneq Heq.
apply Hneq. symmetry. apply Heq.
Instance unequiv_symmetric {A : Type} : Symmetric (fun (x y : A) => x =/= y).
Proof using.
intros x y Hneq Heq.
apply Hneq. symmetry. apply Heq.
Fixpoint In_dec {A : Type} `{EqDec A eq} (a : A) (xs : list A) : {In a xs} + {~ In a xs}.
refine (match xs with
| nil => right _
| x :: xs => if (a == x) then left _ else
match In_dec _ _ _ a xs with
| left p => left _
| right np => right _
all: unfold equiv, complement in *.
all: simpl in *; subst.
all: auto.
intros contra. desf.
Definition In_decb {A : Type} `{EqDec A eq} (a : A) (xs : list A) : bool := In_dec a xs.
Theorem In_decbP {A : Type} `{EqDec A eq} (a : A) (xs : list A) :
Bool.reflect (In a xs) (In_decb a xs).
Proof using.
unfold In_decb.
destruct (In_dec a xs).
{ now apply Bool.ReflectT. }
{ now apply Bool.ReflectF. }
Lemma In_decb_true_iff : forall {A : Type} `{EqDec A eq} (a : A) (xs : list A),
In_decb a xs = true <-> In a xs.
Proof using.
intros. unfold In_decb.
destruct (In_dec a xs) as [HIn | HIn].
all: split; auto.
Fixpoint fold_option {A : Type} (xs : list (option A)) : option (list A) :=
match xs with
| nil => Some nil
| x :: xs => x >>= fun x' => fold_option xs >>= fun xs' => Some (x' :: xs')
Lemma fold_option_some (A : Type) (xs : list (option A))
(Hsome : forall a, In a xs -> exists a', a = Some a') :
exists xs', fold_option xs = Some xs'.
Proof using.
induction xs as [| x xs]. { now eexists. }
destruct Hsome with x. { now left. }
destruct IHxs as [? IHxs]. { intros. apply Hsome. now right. }
subst. simpl. rewrite IHxs. simpl. now eexists.
Lemma fold_option_some_inv {A : Type} (xs : list (option A)) (xs' : list A) (a : option A)
(Hres : fold_option xs = Some xs') (HIn : In a xs) :
exists a', a = Some a'.
Proof using.
generalize dependent xs'.
induction xs as [| x xs]; ins.
simpls. unfold option_bind in *.
desf. { now eexists. }
eapply IHxs; eauto.
Lemma fold_option_In {A : Type} (xs : list (option A)) (xs' : list A) (a' : A)
(H : fold_option xs = Some xs') :
In (Some a') xs <-> In a' xs'.
Proof using.
generalize dependent xs'.
induction xs as [| x xs]; ins.
{ inv H. }
all: destruct xs' as [|x' xs']; try easy.
all: unfold option_bind in *; desf.
all: intros [Hx | Hx]; subst; auto.
{ inv Hx. now left. }
{ right. now apply IHxs. }
apply IHxs in Hx; auto.
Lemma fold_option_none {A : Type} (xs : list (option A))
(Hnone : In None xs) :
fold_option xs = None.
Proof using.
induction xs as [| x xs], Hnone; subst; auto.
simpl. rewrite (IHxs H). now destruct x.
Lemma option_map_some (A B : Type) (f : A -> B) (a : option A) (y : B)
(Hres : option_map f a = Some y) :
exists x, f x = y /\ a = Some x.
Proof using.
destruct a as [x |]; [exists x | inv Hres].
split; simpls; desf.
Definition concat_option {A : Type} (xs : list (option (list A))) : option (list A) :=
option_map (@List.concat A) (fold_option xs).
Theorem in_concat_option_iff {A : Type} (a : A)
(xs : list (option (list A)))
(ys : list A)
(Hres : concat_option xs = Some ys) :
In a ys <-> exists x, In (Some x) xs /\ In a x.
Proof using.
unfold concat_option in Hres.
destruct (fold_option xs) eqn:Hfold; try discriminate.
simpls. desf.
rewrite in_concat.
setoid_rewrite fold_option_In; eauto.
split; ins; desf; eauto.
Theorem concat_option_some_inv {A : Type}
(xs : list (option (list A)))
(ys : list A) (x : option (list A))
(HIn : In x xs)
(Hres : concat_option xs = Some ys) :
exists y, x = Some y.
Proof using.
unfold concat_option.
edestruct option_map_some; eauto. desc.
eapply fold_option_some_inv; eauto.
Theorem concat_option_some_inv_cons {A : Type}
(xs : list (option (list A)))
(ys : list A) (x : option (list A))
(Hres : concat_option (x :: xs) = Some ys) :
exists (y ys' : list A), x = Some y /\
ys = app y ys' /\
concat_option xs = Some ys'.
Proof using.
unfold concat_option in *.
edestruct option_map_some; eauto. desc.
clear Hres. simpls.
unfold option_bind in *. desf.
do 2 eexists. splits; eauto.
{ now rewrite concat_cons. }
Ltac apply_concat_option_some_inv_cons :=
match goal with
| [ H : concat_option (?x :: ?xs) = Some ?ys |- _ ] =>
apply concat_option_some_inv_cons in H; desc
Theorem concat_option_nil (A : Type) : @concat_option A [] = Some [].
Proof using. reflexivity. Qed.
Theorem concat_option_some (A : Type) (xs : list (option (list A)))
(Hsome : forall x, In x xs -> exists x', x = Some x') :
exists xs', concat_option xs = Some xs'.
Proof using.
unfold concat_option.
edestruct fold_option_some as [? Hfold]; eauto.
rewrite Hfold. simpl. eauto.
Definition concat_option_map {A B : Type}
(f : A -> option (list B))
(xs : list A) : option (list B) :=
concat_option (map f xs).
Theorem in_concat_option_map_iff {A B : Type}
(f : A -> option (list B))
(xs : list A) (ys : list B) (b : B)
(Hres : concat_option_map f xs = Some ys) :
In b ys <-> exists x y, In x xs /\ In b y /\ f x = Some y.
Proof using.
unfold concat_option_map in *.
rewrite in_concat_option_iff; eauto.
setoid_rewrite in_map_iff.
split; ins; desf; eauto.
Theorem concat_option_map_some_inv {A B : Type}
(f : A -> option (list B))
(xs : list A) (ys : list B)
(x : A) (HIn : In x xs)
(Hres : concat_option_map f xs = Some ys) :
exists y, f x = Some y.
Proof using.
unfold concat_option_map in Hres.
eapply concat_option_some_inv; eauto.
now apply in_map.
Theorem concat_option_map_some (A B : Type)
(f : A -> option (list B)) (xs : list A)
(Hsome : forall x, In x xs -> exists y, f x = Some y) :
exists xs', concat_option_map f xs = Some xs'.
Proof using.
unfold concat_option_map.
eapply concat_option_some; eauto.
intros ? HIn.
rewrite in_map_iff in HIn. desf.
now apply Hsome.
Section filter_map.
Variable A B : Type.
Variable f : A -> option B.
Fixpoint filter_map (xs : list A) : list B :=
match xs with
| nil => nil
| x :: xs =>
match f x with
| Some y => y :: filter_map xs
| None => filter_map xs
End filter_map.
Arguments filter_map {A B} f xs.
Lemma filter_map_In {A B : Type} (f : A -> option B) (xs : list A) (y : B) :
In y (filter_map f xs) <-> exists x, f x = Some y /\ In x xs.
Proof using.
unfold filter_map.
induction xs as [| x xs IHxs ]; simpls.
{ split; ins; desf. }
split; ins.
- desf; simpls; desf.
all: try (eexists; split; eauto; now left).
all: try match goal with
| [ H : In _ _, IH : In _ _ -> _ |- _ ] => apply IH in H
end; desf; eauto.
- desf; simpls.
all: try now left.
all: try right.
all: match goal with
| [ IH : _ -> In _ _ |- _ ] => apply IH
all: eexists; split; eauto.
Lemma NoDup_cons_l (A : Type) (x : A) (xs : list A) (Hdup : NoDup (x :: xs)) :
~ In x xs.
Proof using.
apply NoDup_cons_iff in Hdup. desf.
Lemma NoDup_cons_r (A : Type) (x : A) (xs : list A) (Hdup : NoDup (x :: xs)) :
NoDup xs.
Proof using.
apply NoDup_cons_iff in Hdup. desf.
Lemma NoDup_cons_contra (A : Type) (x : A) (xs : list A)
(Hdup : NoDup (x :: xs)) (HIn : In x xs) : False.
Proof using.
eapply NoDup_cons_l; eassumption.
Ltac normalize_bool :=
repeat match goal with
| [ H : negb _ = true |- _ ] => rewrite Bool.negb_true_iff in H
| [ H : negb _ <> true |- _ ] => rewrite Bool.negb_true_iff in H
| [ H : _ = false |- _ ] => rewrite <- Bool.not_true_iff_false in H
| [ H : _ <> false |- _ ] => rewrite -> Bool.not_false_iff_true in H
| [ H : (In_decb _ _) = true |- _ ] => rewrite -> In_decb_true_iff in H
| [ H : (In_decb _ _) <> true |- _ ] => rewrite -> In_decb_true_iff in H
| [ H : (_ ==b _) = true |- _ ] => rewrite -> equiv_decb_true_iff in H
| [ H : (_ ==b _) <> true |- _ ] => rewrite -> equiv_decb_true_iff in H
Ltac inj_subst :=
repeat match goal with
| [ H : Some ?x = Some ?y |- _ ] =>
injection H as H; try subst y; try subst x
Tactic Notation "gen_dep" ident(a) :=
generalize dependent a.
Tactic Notation "gen_dep" ident(a) ident(b) :=
generalize dependent a; gen_dep b.
Tactic Notation "gen_dep" ident(a) ident(b) ident(c) :=
generalize dependent a; gen_dep b c.
Tactic Notation "gen_dep" ident(a) ident(b) ident(c) ident(d) :=
generalize dependent a; gen_dep b c d.
Tactic Notation "gen_dep" ident(a) ident(b) ident(c) ident(d) ident(e) :=
generalize dependent a; gen_dep b c d e.
Tactic Notation "gen_dep" ident(a) ident(b) ident(c) ident(d) ident(e) ident(f) :=
generalize dependent a; gen_dep b c d e f.
Tactic Notation "gen_dep" ident(a) ident(b) ident(c) ident(d) ident(e) ident(f) ident(g) :=
generalize dependent a; gen_dep b c d e f g.
Tactic Notation "gen_dep" ident(a) ident(b) ident(c) ident(d) ident(e) ident(f) ident(g) ident(h) :=
generalize dependent a; gen_dep b c d e f g h.
Tactic Notation "gen_dep" ident(a) ident(b) ident(c) ident(d) ident(e) ident(f) ident(g) ident(h) ident(i) :=
generalize dependent a; gen_dep b c d e f g h i.
Fixpoint tails {A : Type} (xs : list A) : list (list A) :=
match xs with
| [] => [[]]
| x :: xs => (x :: xs) :: tails xs
Theorem tails_hd {A : Type} (xs : list A) :
tails xs = xs :: tl (tails xs).
Proof using. now destruct xs. Qed.
Theorem map_tl {A B : Type} (f : A -> B) (xs : list A) :
map f (tl xs) = tl (map f xs).
Proof using. now destruct xs. Qed.