Supported types in the graph database
Inductive t :=
| p_int (i : Z)
| p_string (s : string)
Definition eq_property_dec (a b : t) : {a = b} + {a <> b}.
refine (
match a, b with
| p_int a, p_int b => if a == b then left _ else right _
| p_string a, p_string b => if a == b then left _ else right _
| _, _ => right _
all: try discriminate. (* Solve goals with different constructors *)
all: try now f_equal. (* Solve goals when underlying values are equal *)
all: injection as H; contradiction. (* Solve goals when underlying values are not equal *)
Program Instance property_eqdec : EqDec t eq := eq_property_dec.
Definition name := string.
End Property.
Property Graph structure
Types are used for indexing vertices and edges
Graph database model
vertices : vertices of the graph
edges : edges of the graph
ends : maps an edge to a pair of its ends
vlab : maps a vertex to a list of its labels
elab : maps an edge to its relationship type
vprops : maps a vertex to key-value pairs of its properties
eprops : maps an edge to key-value pairs of its properties
Record t :=
mk { vertices : list vertex;
edges : list edge;
ends : edge -> vertex * vertex;
vlabels : vertex -> list label;
elabel : edge -> label;
vprops : vertex -> list ( * Property.t);
eprops : edge -> list ( * Property.t);
Fixpoint get_prop (k : (props : list ( * Property.t)) : option Property.t :=
match props with
| (k', v) :: props => if k ==b k' then Some v else get_prop k props
| nil => None
Definition get_vprop (g : PropertyGraph.t) (k : (v : vertex) : option Property.t :=
get_prop k (vprops g v).
Definition get_eprop (g : PropertyGraph.t) (k : (e : edge) : option Property.t :=
get_prop k (eprops g e).
Definition e_from (g : t) (e : edge) := fst (ends g e).
Definition e_to (g : t) (e : edge) := snd (ends g e).
Theorem e_from_to g e : ends g e = (e_from g e, e_to g e).
Proof using.
unfold e_from, e_to. destruct (ends g e); auto.
Definition out_edges (g : t) (v : vertex) :=
filter_map (fun e => if e_from g e ==b v then Some (e, e_to g e) else None) (edges g).
Definition in_edges (g : t) (v : vertex) :=
filter_map (fun e => if e_to g e ==b v then Some (e, e_from g e) else None) (edges g).
Definition edges_between (g : t) (from to : vertex) :=
filter (fun e => (e_from g e ==b from) && (e_to g e ==b to)) (edges g).
Theorem out_in_between_edges_In g e v v' :
(In (e, v') (out_edges g v) <-> In e (edges g) /\ e_from g e = v /\ e_to g e = v') /\
(In (e, v') (in_edges g v) <-> In e (edges g) /\ e_to g e = v /\ e_from g e = v') /\
(In e (edges_between g v v') <-> In e (edges g) /\ e_from g e = v /\ e_to g e = v').
Proof using.
split; [|split].
all: unfold out_edges, in_edges, edges_between, e_from, e_to.
all: try rewrite filter_map_In.
all: try rewrite filter_In.
all: split; ins; desf.
all: try exists e.
all: try erewrite equiv_decb_true.
all: try match goal with
| Heq : (_ && _ = true) |- _ => apply Bool.andb_true_iff in Heq; destruct Heq
all: repeat match goal with
| Heq : (_ = true) |- _ => apply equiv_decb_true' in Heq
all: edestruct (ends g _); desf.
{ rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff. rewrite equiv_decb_true_iff. auto. }
Lemma out_edges_In g e v v' :
In (e, v') (out_edges g v) <-> In e (edges g) /\ e_from g e = v /\ e_to g e = v'.
Proof using.
edestruct out_in_between_edges_In as [? [? ?]]; eassumption.
Lemma in_edges_In g e v v' :
In (e, v') (in_edges g v) <-> In e (edges g) /\ e_to g e = v /\ e_from g e = v'.
Proof using.
edestruct out_in_between_edges_In as [? [? ?]]; eassumption.
Lemma edges_between_In g e v v' :
In e (edges_between g v v') <-> In e (edges g) /\ e_from g e = v /\ e_to g e = v'.
Proof using.
edestruct out_in_between_edges_In as [? [? ?]]; eassumption.
Definition list_is_map {A B} (xs : list (A * B)) :=
forall k val1 val2, In (k, val1) xs -> In (k, val2) xs -> val1 = val2.
Theorem list_is_map_tail (A B : Type) (x : A * B) (xs : list (A * B))
(H : list_is_map (x :: xs)) :
list_is_map xs.
unfold list_is_map in *; ins; eauto.
Record wf (g : t) := mk_wf {
vertices_NoDup : NoDup (vertices g);
edges_NoDup : NoDup (edges g);
ends_In : forall v v' e,
In e (edges g) -> ends g e = (v, v') -> In v (vertices g) /\ In v' (vertices g);
vlabels_In : forall v, vlabels g v <> nil -> In v (vertices g);
vprops_In : forall v, vprops g v <> nil -> In v (vertices g);
eprops_In : forall e, eprops g e <> nil -> In e (edges g);
vprops_unique: forall v, list_is_map (vprops g v);
eprops_unique: forall e, list_is_map (eprops g e);
Lemma wf_get_prop_In props k val
(Hval : get_prop k props = Some val) :
In (k, val) props.
induction props as [| [k' val'] props]; simpls.
destruct (equiv_decbP k k'); subst.
{ left. desf. }
right. now apply IHprops.
Lemma wf_In_get_prop props k val
(Hunique : list_is_map props)
(HIn : In (k, val) props) :
get_prop k props = Some val.
induction props as [| [k' val'] props]; simpls.
destruct HIn as [HIn | HIn], (equiv_decbP k k'); desf.
{ unfold list_is_map in Hunique.
f_equal. eapply Hunique; [ now left | now right ]. }
eauto using list_is_map_tail.
Theorem wf_get_prop_In_iff props k val
(Hunique : list_is_map props) :
get_prop k props = Some val <-> In (k, val) props.
split; auto using wf_get_prop_In, wf_In_get_prop.
Corollary wf_get_vprop_In_iff g v k val (Hwf : wf g) :
get_vprop g k v = Some val <-> In (k, val) (vprops g v).
unfold get_vprop. destruct Hwf.
now apply wf_get_prop_In_iff.
Corollary wf_get_eprop_In_iff g e k val (Hwf : wf g) :
get_eprop g k e = Some val <-> In (k, val) (eprops g e).
unfold get_eprop. destruct Hwf.
now apply wf_get_prop_In_iff.
Lemma wf_e_from_In g e
(Hwf : wf g)
(HIn : In e (edges g)) :
In (e_from g e) (vertices g).
Proof using.
unfold e_from, fst. desf.
edestruct ends_In; eauto.
Lemma wf_e_to_In g e
(Hwf : wf g)
(HIn : In e (edges g)) :
In (e_to g e) (vertices g).
Proof using.
unfold e_to, snd. desf.
edestruct ends_In; eauto.
End PropertyGraph.