
Require Import Utils.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import PropertyGraph.
Import Property.

Query pattern definition. In general terms, the query pattern is the conditions on the edges and vertices in the desired path. These conditions (patterns) are stored sequentially:
start vertex pattern --- first edge pattern --- vertex pattern --- ... --- edge pattern --- last vertex pattern
(vertex and edge pattern alternate). We decided to store this query pattern in a special way. Pattern contains start vertex pattern and pairs (edge pattern, vertex pattern).

Module Name.
  Definition raw := string.

  Inductive t :=
  | explicit (n : raw)
  | implicit (n : raw)

  Definition unwrap (n : t) :=
    match n with
    | explicit n => n
    | implicit n => n

  Definition eq_dec (n1 n2 : t) : {n1 = n2} + {n1 <> n2}.
    destruct n1 as [n1 | n1], n2 as [n2 | n2].
    all: destruct (equiv_decbP n1 n2).
    all: subst.
    all: try now left.
    all: right; congruence.

  Program Instance eqdec : EqDec t eq := eq_dec.

  Definition eqb (a b : t) : bool := a ==b b.

  Definition is_explicit (n : t) : Prop :=
    match n with
    | explicit _ => True
    | _ => False

  Definition is_implicit (n : t) : Prop :=
    match n with
    | implicit _ => True
    | _ => False

  Definition is_explicit_dec (n : t) : {is_explicit n} + {is_implicit n}.
    unfold is_explicit, is_implicit.
    destruct n; eauto.

  Definition is_explicit_decb (n : t) : bool :=
    if is_explicit_dec n then true else false.
End Name.

Module Pattern.

Possible conditions for edge direction.

  Inductive direction :=
  | OUT (* --> *)
  | IN (* <-- *)
  | BOTH (* --- *)

Vertex pattern condition.
vname : name for the pattern
vlabels : list of labels stored in a vertex
vprops : list of pairs (key, value) stored in a vertex

  Record pvertex := {
      vname : Name.t;
      vlabel : option PropertyGraph.label;
      vprops : list ( * Property.t);

Edge pattern.
ename : name for the pattern
elabels : list of labels stored in an edge
eprops : list of pairs (key, value) stored in an edge
edir : direction condition

  Record pedge := {
      ename : Name.t;
      elabel : option PropertyGraph.label;
      eprops : list ( * Property.t);
      edir : direction;

Query pattern.
start : pattern of the first vertex
hop : go to a vertex through an edge

  Inductive t :=
  | start (pv : pvertex)
  | hop (pi : t) (pe : pedge) (pv : pvertex).

  (*hop (start a) b c :  (a)-b-(c) *)

  Fixpoint first (pi : t) : pvertex :=
    match pi with
    | hop pi _ _ => first pi
    | start pv => pv

  Definition last (pi : t) : pvertex :=
    match pi with
    | hop _ _ pv => pv
    | start pv => pv

  Fixpoint length (pi : t) : nat :=
    match pi with
    | hop pi _ _ => S (length pi)
    | start _ => 1

  (* Domain of the pattern, i.e. names of the variables *)
  Fixpoint dom (p : Pattern.t) : list Name.t :=
    match p with
    | hop p pe pv =>
      vname pv :: ename pe :: dom p
    | start pv => [vname pv]

  Fixpoint dom_explicit (p : Pattern.t) : list Name.raw :=
    match p with
    | hop p pe pv =>
      match vname pv, ename pe with
      | Name.explicit nv, Name.explicit ne =>
          nv :: ne :: dom_explicit p
      | Name.implicit _, Name.explicit ne =>
          ne :: dom_explicit p
      | Name.explicit nv, Name.implicit _ =>
          nv :: dom_explicit p
      | Name.implicit _, Name.implicit _ =>
          dom_explicit p
    | start pv =>
      match vname pv with
      | Name.explicit nv => [nv]
      | _ => []

  Fixpoint dom_implicit (p : Pattern.t) : list Name.raw :=
    match p with
    | hop p pe pv =>
      match vname pv, ename pe with
      | Name.implicit nv, Name.implicit ne =>
          nv :: ne :: dom_implicit p
      | Name.explicit _, Name.implicit ne =>
          ne :: dom_implicit p
      | Name.implicit nv, Name.explicit _ =>
          nv :: dom_implicit p
      | Name.explicit _, Name.explicit _ =>
          dom_implicit p
    | start pv =>
      match vname pv with
      | Name.implicit nv => [nv]
      | _ => []

  Fixpoint dom_vertices_explicit (p : Pattern.t) : list Name.raw :=
    match p with
    | hop p pe pv =>
      match vname pv with
      | Name.explicit nv => nv :: dom_vertices_explicit p
      | _ => dom_vertices_explicit p
    | start pv =>
      match vname pv with
      | Name.explicit nv => [nv]
      | _ => []

  Fixpoint dom_vertices_implicit (p : Pattern.t) : list Name.raw :=
    match p with
    | hop p pe pv =>
      match vname pv with
      | Name.implicit nv => nv :: dom_vertices_implicit p
      | _ => dom_vertices_implicit p
    | start pv =>
      match vname pv with
      | Name.implicit nv => [nv]
      | _ => []

  Fixpoint dom_vertices (p : Pattern.t) : list Name.t :=
    match p with
    | hop p pe pv =>
      vname pv :: dom_vertices p
    | start pv => [vname pv]

  Fixpoint dom_edges_explicit (p : Pattern.t) : list Name.raw :=
    match p with
    | hop p pe pv =>
      match ename pe with
      | Name.explicit ne => ne :: dom_edges_explicit p
      | _ => dom_edges_explicit p
    | start pv => []

  Fixpoint dom_edges_implicit (p : Pattern.t) : list Name.raw :=
    match p with
    | hop p pe pv =>
      match ename pe with
      | Name.implicit ne => ne :: dom_edges_implicit p
      | _ => dom_edges_implicit p
    | start pv => []

  Fixpoint dom_edges (p : Pattern.t) : list Name.t :=
    match p with
    | hop p pe pv =>
      ename pe :: dom_edges p
    | start pv => nil

  Lemma In_dom_explicit p n :
    In n (dom_explicit p) <->
      In (Name.explicit n) (dom p).
  Proof using.
    induction p; split; ins.
    all: desf; simpls; desf; auto.

  Lemma In_dom_implicit p n :
    In n (dom_implicit p) <->
      In (Name.implicit n) (dom p).
  Proof using.
    induction p; split; ins.
    all: desf; simpls; desf; auto.

  Lemma In_dom_vertices_explicit p nv :
    In nv (dom_vertices_explicit p) <->
      In (Name.explicit nv) (dom_vertices p).
  Proof using.
    induction p; split; ins.
    all: desf; simpls; desf; auto.

  Lemma In_dom_vertices_implicit p nv :
    In nv (dom_vertices_implicit p) <->
      In (Name.implicit nv) (dom_vertices p).
  Proof using.
    induction p; split; ins.
    all: desf; simpls; desf; auto.

  Lemma In_dom_edges_explicit p ne :
    In ne (dom_edges_explicit p) <->
      In (Name.explicit ne) (dom_edges p).
  Proof using.
    induction p; split; ins.
    all: desf; simpls; desf; auto.

  Lemma In_dom_edges_implicit p ne :
    In ne (dom_edges_implicit p) <->
      In (Name.implicit ne) (dom_edges p).
  Proof using.
    induction p; split; ins.
    all: desf; simpls; desf; auto.

  Lemma In_dom p x :
    In x (dom p) <-> In x (dom_vertices p) \/ In x (dom_edges p).
  Proof using.
    induction p; split; ins; desf; auto.
    match goal with
    | [ H : In _ _ -> In _ _ \/ In _ _ |- _ ] => destruct H; try assumption; auto

  Lemma not_In_dom_vertices p nv
    (HIn : ~ In nv (dom p)) :
      ~ In nv (dom_vertices p).
  Proof using.
    intros contra. apply HIn.
    apply In_dom. now left.

  Lemma not_In_dom_edges p ne
    (HIn : ~ In ne (dom p)) :
      ~ In ne (dom_edges p).
  Proof using.
    intros contra. apply HIn.
    apply In_dom. now right.

  Inductive wf : Pattern.t -> Prop :=
  | wf_start pv : wf (start pv)
  | wf_hop pi pe pv (Hwf : wf pi)
    (Hpv_neq_pe : vname pv <> ename pe)
    (HIn_pv_imp : forall n, vname pv = Name.implicit n -> ~ In n (dom_vertices_implicit pi))
    (HIn_pe_edges : ~ In (ename pe) (dom_edges pi))
    (HIn_pe_vertices : ~ In (ename pe) (dom_vertices pi))
    (HIn_pv : ~ In (vname pv) (dom_edges pi)) :
      wf (hop pi pe pv).
End Pattern.

Query definition

Module QueryExpr.
  Inductive t : Type :=
  | QEVertex (v : PropertyGraph.vertex)
  | QEEdge (e : PropertyGraph.edge)
  | QEVar (n : Name.raw)
  | QEProj (a : t) (k :

  | QEEq (a1 a2 : t)
  | QENe (a1 a2 : t)
  | QEGe (a1 a2 : t)
  | QELe (a1 a2 : t)
  | QELt (a1 a2 : t)
  | QEGt (a1 a2 : t)

  | QETrue
  | QEFalse
  | QEUnknown
  | QEOr (a1 a2 : t)
  | QEAnd (a1 a2 : t)
  | QEXor (a1 a2 : t)
  | QENot (a: t)
  | QEIsUnknown (e : t)
  | QEIsNotUnknown (e : t)
  | QEIsTrue (e : t)
  | QEIsNotTrue (e : t)
  | QEIsFalse (e : t)
  | QEIsNotFalse (e : t)
End QueryExpr.

Module Query.
  Record t := mk {
    MATCH : Pattern.t;
    WHERE : option QueryExpr.t;

  Definition wf (query : t) := query.(MATCH).
End Query.