Require Import Utils.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import PropertyGraph.
Require Import Cypher.
Import PropertyGraph.
Import PartialMap.Notations.
Import TotalMap.Notations.
Module Value.
Inductive t :=
| Unknown
| Bool (b : bool)
| Int (i : Z)
| Str (s : string)
| GVertex (v : vertex)
| GEdge (e : edge)
Inductive T :=
| UnknownT
| BoolT
| IntT
| StrT
| GVertexT
| GEdgeT
Definition type_of (v : t) : T :=
match v with
| Unknown => UnknownT
| Bool _ => BoolT
| Int _ => IntT
| Str _ => StrT
| GVertex _ => GVertexT
| GEdge _ => GEdgeT
Lemma type_of_UnknownT v (H : type_of v = UnknownT) :
v = Unknown.
Proof using. destruct v; try discriminate. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma type_of_BoolT : forall v,
type_of v = BoolT -> exists b, v = Bool b.
Proof using. intros v H. destruct v; try discriminate. exists b. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma type_of_IntT : forall v,
type_of v = IntT -> exists i, v = Int i.
Proof using. intros v H. destruct v; try discriminate. exists i. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma type_of_StrT : forall v,
type_of v = StrT -> exists s, v = Str s.
Proof using. intros v H. destruct v; try discriminate. exists s. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma type_of_GVertexT : forall v,
type_of v = GVertexT -> exists v', v = GVertex v'.
Proof using. intros v H. destruct v; try discriminate. exists v. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma type_of_GEdgeT : forall v,
type_of v = GEdgeT -> exists e, v = GEdge e.
Proof using. intros v H. destruct v; try discriminate. exists e. reflexivity. Qed.
Definition from_property (x : Property.t) : Value.t :=
match x with
| Property.p_int i => Int i
| Property.p_string s => Str s
Definition eq_value_dec (a b : t) : {a = b} + {a <> b}.
refine (
match a, b with
| Unknown, Unknown => left _
| Bool a, Bool b => if a == b then left _ else right _
| Int a, Int b => if a == b then left _ else right _
| Str a, Str b => if a == b then left _ else right _
| GVertex a, GVertex b => if a == b then left _ else right _
| GEdge a, GEdge b => if a == b then left _ else right _
| _, _ => right _
all: try reflexivity. (* Solve Unknown = Unknown *)
all: try discriminate. (* Solve goals with different constructors *)
all: try now f_equal. (* Solve goals when underlying values are equal *)
all: injection as H; contradiction. (* Solve goals when underlying values are not equal *)
Definition eq_type_dec (a b : T) : {a = b} + {a <> b}.
destruct a, b.
all: try now left.
all: now right.
Definition eq_opt_type_dec (a b : option T) : {a = b} + {a <> b}.
destruct a, b.
all: try now left.
all: try now right.
edestruct eq_type_dec.
{ left. f_equal. eassumption. }
right. congruence.
Program Instance value_eqdec : EqDec t eq := eq_value_dec.
Program Instance type_eqdec : EqDec T eq := eq_type_dec.
Program Instance opt_type_eqdec : EqDec (option T) eq := eq_opt_type_dec.
Definition eqb (a b : t) : bool := a ==b b.
End Value.
(* Record / Assignment *)
Module Rcd.
Definition t := PartialMap.t Name.t Value.t.
Definition T := PartialMap.t Name.t Value.T.
Definition empty : t := fun _ => None.
Definition emptyT : T := fun _ => None.
Definition type_of (r : t) : T :=
fun k => option_map Value.type_of (r k).
Lemma type_of_empty : type_of empty = emptyT.
Proof using. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma type_of_t_update r k v :
type_of (k !-> v; r) = (k !-> option_map Value.type_of v; type_of r).
Proof using.
extensionality k'.
unfold type_of, TotalMap.update, equiv_decb.
Lemma type_of_update r k v :
type_of (k |-> v; r) = (k |-> Value.type_of v; type_of r).
Proof using.
unfold PartialMap.update.
now rewrite type_of_t_update.
Lemma type_of_singleton k v :
type_of (k |-> v) = (k |-> Value.type_of v).
Proof using.
unfold PartialMap.update.
now rewrite type_of_t_update.
Ltac solve_type_of_T f :=
match goal with
Htype : type_of ?r ?k = Some ?T
|- _ =>
unfold type_of in Htype;
destruct (r k) as [v |]; try discriminate;
destruct (f v);
[ now injection Htype as Htype |
eexists; f_equal; eassumption ]
Lemma type_of_UnknownT r k (Htype : type_of r k = Some Value.UnknownT) :
r k = Some Value.Unknown.
Proof using. solve_type_of_T Value.type_of_UnknownT. Qed.
Lemma type_of_BoolT r k (Htype : type_of r k = Some Value.BoolT) :
exists b, r k = Some (Value.Bool b).
Proof using. solve_type_of_T Value.type_of_BoolT. Qed.
Lemma type_of_IntT r k (Htype : type_of r k = Some Value.IntT) :
exists i, r k = Some (Value.Int i).
Proof using. solve_type_of_T Value.type_of_IntT. Qed.
Lemma type_of_StrT r k (Htype : type_of r k = Some Value.StrT) :
exists s, r k = Some (Value.Str s).
Proof using. solve_type_of_T Value.type_of_StrT. Qed.
Lemma type_of_GVertexT r k (Htype : type_of r k = Some Value.GVertexT) :
exists v, r k = Some (Value.GVertex v).
Proof using. solve_type_of_T Value.type_of_GVertexT. Qed.
Lemma type_of_GEdgeT r k (Htype : type_of r k = Some Value.GEdgeT) :
exists e, r k = Some (Value.GEdge e).
Proof using. solve_type_of_T Value.type_of_GEdgeT. Qed.
Ltac apply_type_of_ValueT :=
match goal with
| [ H : type_of ?r _ = Some Value.UnknownT |- _ ] =>
apply Rcd.type_of_UnknownT in H
| [ H : type_of ?r _ = Some (Value.GVertexT _) |- _ ] =>
apply Rcd.type_of_GVertexT in H
| [ H : type_of ?r _ = Some (Value.GEdgeT _) |- _ ] =>
apply Rcd.type_of_GEdgeT in H
| [ H : type_of ?r _ = Some (Value.Int _) |- _ ] =>
apply Rcd.type_of_IntT in H
| [ H : type_of ?r _ = Some (Value.Bool _) |- _ ] =>
apply Rcd.type_of_BoolT in H
| [ H : type_of ?r _ = Some (Value.Str _) |- _ ] =>
apply Rcd.type_of_StrT in H
Lemma type_of_None r k :
type_of r k = None <-> r k = None.
Proof using.
unfold type_of. destruct (r k); now try discriminate.
Lemma type_of_Unknown r n
(H : r n = Some Value.Unknown) : type_of r n = Some Value.UnknownT.
Proof using. unfold type_of. now rewrite H. Qed.
Lemma type_of_GVertex r n v
(H : r n = Some (Value.GVertex v)) : type_of r n = Some Value.GVertexT.
Proof using. unfold type_of. now rewrite H. Qed.
Lemma type_of_GEdge r n e
(H : r n = Some (Value.GEdge e)) : type_of r n = Some Value.GEdgeT.
Proof using. unfold type_of. now rewrite H. Qed.
Lemma type_of_Bool r n b
(H : r n = Some (Value.Bool b)) : type_of r n = Some Value.BoolT.
Proof using. unfold type_of. now rewrite H. Qed.
Lemma type_of_Int r n i
(H : r n = Some (Value.Int i)) : type_of r n = Some Value.IntT.
Proof using. unfold type_of. now rewrite H. Qed.
Lemma type_of_Str r n s
(H : r n = Some (Value.Str s)) : type_of r n = Some Value.StrT.
Proof using. unfold type_of. now rewrite H. Qed.
Ltac apply_type_of_Value :=
match goal with
| [ H : ?r _ = Some Value.Unknown |- _ ] =>
apply Rcd.type_of_Unknown in H
| [ H : ?r _ = Some (Value.GVertex _) |- _ ] =>
apply Rcd.type_of_GVertex in H
| [ H : ?r _ = Some (Value.GEdge _) |- _ ] =>
apply Rcd.type_of_GEdge in H
| [ H : ?r _ = Some (Value.GEdge _) |- _ ] =>
apply Rcd.type_of_GEdge in H
| [ H : ?r _ = Some (Value.Int _) |- _ ] =>
apply Rcd.type_of_Int in H
| [ H : ?r _ = Some (Value.Bool _) |- _ ] =>
apply Rcd.type_of_Bool in H
| [ H : ?r _ = Some (Value.Str _) |- _ ] =>
apply Rcd.type_of_Str in H
Hint Resolve type_of_Unknown type_of_GVertex type_of_GEdge type_of_Int type_of_Bool type_of_Str
type_of_BoolT type_of_IntT type_of_StrT type_of_GVertexT type_of_GEdgeT type_of_None : type_of_db.
Hint Rewrite type_of_Unknown type_of_GVertex type_of_GEdge type_of_Int type_of_Bool type_of_Str
type_of_BoolT type_of_IntT type_of_StrT type_of_GVertexT type_of_GEdgeT type_of_None : type_of_db.
Lemma in_dom_iff k r :
PartialMap.in_dom k r <-> PartialMap.in_dom k (type_of r).
Proof using.
unfold PartialMap.in_dom, type_of.
{ intros [v H]. eexists. now rewrite H. }
{ intros [x H]. destruct (r k); try inv H. now eexists. }
Section join.
Lemma type_of_join r1 r2 :
type_of (PartialMap.join r1 r2) = PartialMap.join (type_of r1) (type_of r2).
Proof using.
extensionality k.
unfold PartialMap.join, type_of, option_map.
Lemma type_of_disjoint_iff r1 r2 :
PartialMap.disjoint (type_of r1) (type_of r2) <-> PartialMap.disjoint r1 r2.
Proof using.
unfold PartialMap.disjoint, type_of, option_map.
all: intros Hdisj k.
all: specialize Hdisj with k.
all: desf; auto.
Lemma type_of_disjoint (r1 r2 : t) (Hdisj : PartialMap.disjoint r1 r2) :
PartialMap.disjoint (type_of r1) (type_of r2).
Proof using. now apply type_of_disjoint_iff. Qed.
End join.
Definition explicit_proj (r : t) : t := fun k =>
match k with
| Name.explicit _ => r k
| _ => None
Definition explicit_projT (r : T) : T := fun k =>
match k with
| Name.explicit _ => r k
| _ => None
Theorem explicit_proj_empty : explicit_proj empty = empty.
Proof using.
extensionality k.
unfold explicit_proj, empty.
Theorem explicit_projT_emptyT : explicit_projT emptyT = emptyT.
Proof using.
extensionality k.
unfold explicit_projT, emptyT.
Theorem type_of_explicit_proj r :
type_of (explicit_proj r) = explicit_projT (type_of r).
Proof using.
extensionality k.
unfold explicit_proj, explicit_projT.
End Rcd.
Module BindingTable.
Definition t := list Rcd.t.
Definition T := Rcd.T.
Definition empty : t := nil.
Definition add (r : Rcd.t) (T : t) := r :: T.
(* Predicate that defines the type of a table *)
(* If a table if not-empty its type is defined *)
Definition of_type (table : t) (ty : Rcd.T) :=
forall r, In r table -> Rcd.type_of r = ty.
(* If a table is not empty, the type is unique *)
Lemma of_type_unique (table : t) ty1 ty2 (Hneq : table <> nil)
(Htype1 : of_type table ty1) (Htype2 : of_type table ty2) :
ty1 = ty2.
Proof using.
destruct table as [| r].
{ contradiction. }
transitivity (Rcd.type_of r).
1: symmetry; apply Htype1.
2: apply Htype2.
all: left; reflexivity.
Lemma of_type_cons_l (table : t) ty r (Htype : of_type (r :: table) ty) :
Rcd.type_of r = ty.
Proof using.
apply Htype. now left.
Lemma of_type_cons_r (table : t) ty r (Htype : of_type (r :: table) ty) :
of_type table ty.
Proof using.
intros r' HIn. apply Htype.
right. assumption.
Lemma of_type_cons (table : t) ty r (Htype_r : Rcd.type_of r = ty)
(Htype_table : of_type table ty) :
of_type (r :: table) ty.
Proof using.
intros r' HIn. destruct HIn as [Heq | HIn].
- now subst.
- now apply Htype_table.
Lemma of_type_concat (tables : list t) ty
(Htype : forall table, In table tables -> of_type table ty) :
of_type (List.concat tables) ty.
Proof using.
intros r HIn. apply in_concat in HIn. desf.
eapply Htype; eassumption.
(* The empty table is of any type *)
Lemma empty_of_type ty : of_type empty ty.
Proof using. intros r HIn. inv HIn. Qed.
Section type_ofT.
Variable table : t.
Variable ty : Rcd.T.
Variable r : Rcd.t.
Variable k : Name.t.
Variable Htype : of_type table ty.
Variable HIn : In r table.
Lemma type_of_BoolT (Hty : ty k = Some Value.BoolT) :
exists b, r k = Some (Value.Bool b).
Proof using Htype HIn. apply Rcd.type_of_BoolT. rewrite Htype; assumption. Qed.
Lemma type_of_IntT (Hty : ty k = Some Value.IntT) :
exists i, r k = Some (Value.Int i).
Proof using Htype HIn. apply Rcd.type_of_IntT. rewrite Htype; assumption. Qed.
Lemma type_of_StrT (Hty : ty k = Some Value.StrT) :
exists s, r k = Some (Value.Str s).
Proof using Htype HIn. apply Rcd.type_of_StrT. rewrite Htype; assumption. Qed.
Lemma type_of_GVertexT (Hty : ty k = Some Value.GVertexT) :
exists v, r k = Some (Value.GVertex v).
Proof using Htype HIn. apply Rcd.type_of_GVertexT. rewrite Htype; assumption. Qed.
Lemma type_of_GEdgeT (Hty : ty k = Some Value.GEdgeT) :
exists e, r k = Some (Value.GEdge e).
Proof using Htype HIn. apply Rcd.type_of_GEdgeT. rewrite Htype; assumption. Qed.
Lemma type_of_None (Hty : ty k = None) :
r k = None.
Proof using Htype HIn. apply Rcd.type_of_None. rewrite Htype; assumption. Qed.
End type_ofT.
Hint Unfold of_type : type_of_db.
Hint Resolve of_type_cons of_type_cons_l of_type_cons_r empty_of_type : type_of_db.
Hint Rewrite of_type_unique : type_of_db.
Hint Rewrite type_of_BoolT type_of_IntT type_of_StrT type_of_GVertexT type_of_GEdgeT type_of_None : type_of_db.
Definition equiv (table1 table2 : t) :=
forall r, In r table1 <-> In r table2.
Instance equiv_Equivalence : Equivalence equiv.
Proof using.
constructor; red; intros.
all: unfold equiv; firstorder.
Module Notations.
Notation "t1 ~~ t2" := (equiv t1 t2) (at level 70).
End Notations.
End BindingTable.
Hint Unfold PartialMap.update TotalMap.update equiv_decb
BindingTable.of_type Rcd.type_of : unfold_pat.
Ltac desf_unfold_pat :=
autounfold with unfold_pat in *; desf; simpls;
unfold complement, equiv in *; subst; auto.
Ltac solve_type_of := now (
extensionality k;
autounfold with unfold_pat in *;
Ltac solve_type_of_extension r ty :=
eenough (Rcd.type_of r = ty);
[ solve_type_of | auto ].
Require Import Maps.
Require Import PropertyGraph.
Require Import Cypher.
Import PropertyGraph.
Import PartialMap.Notations.
Import TotalMap.Notations.
Module Value.
Inductive t :=
| Unknown
| Bool (b : bool)
| Int (i : Z)
| Str (s : string)
| GVertex (v : vertex)
| GEdge (e : edge)
Inductive T :=
| UnknownT
| BoolT
| IntT
| StrT
| GVertexT
| GEdgeT
Definition type_of (v : t) : T :=
match v with
| Unknown => UnknownT
| Bool _ => BoolT
| Int _ => IntT
| Str _ => StrT
| GVertex _ => GVertexT
| GEdge _ => GEdgeT
Lemma type_of_UnknownT v (H : type_of v = UnknownT) :
v = Unknown.
Proof using. destruct v; try discriminate. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma type_of_BoolT : forall v,
type_of v = BoolT -> exists b, v = Bool b.
Proof using. intros v H. destruct v; try discriminate. exists b. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma type_of_IntT : forall v,
type_of v = IntT -> exists i, v = Int i.
Proof using. intros v H. destruct v; try discriminate. exists i. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma type_of_StrT : forall v,
type_of v = StrT -> exists s, v = Str s.
Proof using. intros v H. destruct v; try discriminate. exists s. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma type_of_GVertexT : forall v,
type_of v = GVertexT -> exists v', v = GVertex v'.
Proof using. intros v H. destruct v; try discriminate. exists v. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma type_of_GEdgeT : forall v,
type_of v = GEdgeT -> exists e, v = GEdge e.
Proof using. intros v H. destruct v; try discriminate. exists e. reflexivity. Qed.
Definition from_property (x : Property.t) : Value.t :=
match x with
| Property.p_int i => Int i
| Property.p_string s => Str s
Definition eq_value_dec (a b : t) : {a = b} + {a <> b}.
refine (
match a, b with
| Unknown, Unknown => left _
| Bool a, Bool b => if a == b then left _ else right _
| Int a, Int b => if a == b then left _ else right _
| Str a, Str b => if a == b then left _ else right _
| GVertex a, GVertex b => if a == b then left _ else right _
| GEdge a, GEdge b => if a == b then left _ else right _
| _, _ => right _
all: try reflexivity. (* Solve Unknown = Unknown *)
all: try discriminate. (* Solve goals with different constructors *)
all: try now f_equal. (* Solve goals when underlying values are equal *)
all: injection as H; contradiction. (* Solve goals when underlying values are not equal *)
Definition eq_type_dec (a b : T) : {a = b} + {a <> b}.
destruct a, b.
all: try now left.
all: now right.
Definition eq_opt_type_dec (a b : option T) : {a = b} + {a <> b}.
destruct a, b.
all: try now left.
all: try now right.
edestruct eq_type_dec.
{ left. f_equal. eassumption. }
right. congruence.
Program Instance value_eqdec : EqDec t eq := eq_value_dec.
Program Instance type_eqdec : EqDec T eq := eq_type_dec.
Program Instance opt_type_eqdec : EqDec (option T) eq := eq_opt_type_dec.
Definition eqb (a b : t) : bool := a ==b b.
End Value.
(* Record / Assignment *)
Module Rcd.
Definition t := PartialMap.t Name.t Value.t.
Definition T := PartialMap.t Name.t Value.T.
Definition empty : t := fun _ => None.
Definition emptyT : T := fun _ => None.
Definition type_of (r : t) : T :=
fun k => option_map Value.type_of (r k).
Lemma type_of_empty : type_of empty = emptyT.
Proof using. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma type_of_t_update r k v :
type_of (k !-> v; r) = (k !-> option_map Value.type_of v; type_of r).
Proof using.
extensionality k'.
unfold type_of, TotalMap.update, equiv_decb.
Lemma type_of_update r k v :
type_of (k |-> v; r) = (k |-> Value.type_of v; type_of r).
Proof using.
unfold PartialMap.update.
now rewrite type_of_t_update.
Lemma type_of_singleton k v :
type_of (k |-> v) = (k |-> Value.type_of v).
Proof using.
unfold PartialMap.update.
now rewrite type_of_t_update.
Ltac solve_type_of_T f :=
match goal with
Htype : type_of ?r ?k = Some ?T
|- _ =>
unfold type_of in Htype;
destruct (r k) as [v |]; try discriminate;
destruct (f v);
[ now injection Htype as Htype |
eexists; f_equal; eassumption ]
Lemma type_of_UnknownT r k (Htype : type_of r k = Some Value.UnknownT) :
r k = Some Value.Unknown.
Proof using. solve_type_of_T Value.type_of_UnknownT. Qed.
Lemma type_of_BoolT r k (Htype : type_of r k = Some Value.BoolT) :
exists b, r k = Some (Value.Bool b).
Proof using. solve_type_of_T Value.type_of_BoolT. Qed.
Lemma type_of_IntT r k (Htype : type_of r k = Some Value.IntT) :
exists i, r k = Some (Value.Int i).
Proof using. solve_type_of_T Value.type_of_IntT. Qed.
Lemma type_of_StrT r k (Htype : type_of r k = Some Value.StrT) :
exists s, r k = Some (Value.Str s).
Proof using. solve_type_of_T Value.type_of_StrT. Qed.
Lemma type_of_GVertexT r k (Htype : type_of r k = Some Value.GVertexT) :
exists v, r k = Some (Value.GVertex v).
Proof using. solve_type_of_T Value.type_of_GVertexT. Qed.
Lemma type_of_GEdgeT r k (Htype : type_of r k = Some Value.GEdgeT) :
exists e, r k = Some (Value.GEdge e).
Proof using. solve_type_of_T Value.type_of_GEdgeT. Qed.
Ltac apply_type_of_ValueT :=
match goal with
| [ H : type_of ?r _ = Some Value.UnknownT |- _ ] =>
apply Rcd.type_of_UnknownT in H
| [ H : type_of ?r _ = Some (Value.GVertexT _) |- _ ] =>
apply Rcd.type_of_GVertexT in H
| [ H : type_of ?r _ = Some (Value.GEdgeT _) |- _ ] =>
apply Rcd.type_of_GEdgeT in H
| [ H : type_of ?r _ = Some (Value.Int _) |- _ ] =>
apply Rcd.type_of_IntT in H
| [ H : type_of ?r _ = Some (Value.Bool _) |- _ ] =>
apply Rcd.type_of_BoolT in H
| [ H : type_of ?r _ = Some (Value.Str _) |- _ ] =>
apply Rcd.type_of_StrT in H
Lemma type_of_None r k :
type_of r k = None <-> r k = None.
Proof using.
unfold type_of. destruct (r k); now try discriminate.
Lemma type_of_Unknown r n
(H : r n = Some Value.Unknown) : type_of r n = Some Value.UnknownT.
Proof using. unfold type_of. now rewrite H. Qed.
Lemma type_of_GVertex r n v
(H : r n = Some (Value.GVertex v)) : type_of r n = Some Value.GVertexT.
Proof using. unfold type_of. now rewrite H. Qed.
Lemma type_of_GEdge r n e
(H : r n = Some (Value.GEdge e)) : type_of r n = Some Value.GEdgeT.
Proof using. unfold type_of. now rewrite H. Qed.
Lemma type_of_Bool r n b
(H : r n = Some (Value.Bool b)) : type_of r n = Some Value.BoolT.
Proof using. unfold type_of. now rewrite H. Qed.
Lemma type_of_Int r n i
(H : r n = Some (Value.Int i)) : type_of r n = Some Value.IntT.
Proof using. unfold type_of. now rewrite H. Qed.
Lemma type_of_Str r n s
(H : r n = Some (Value.Str s)) : type_of r n = Some Value.StrT.
Proof using. unfold type_of. now rewrite H. Qed.
Ltac apply_type_of_Value :=
match goal with
| [ H : ?r _ = Some Value.Unknown |- _ ] =>
apply Rcd.type_of_Unknown in H
| [ H : ?r _ = Some (Value.GVertex _) |- _ ] =>
apply Rcd.type_of_GVertex in H
| [ H : ?r _ = Some (Value.GEdge _) |- _ ] =>
apply Rcd.type_of_GEdge in H
| [ H : ?r _ = Some (Value.GEdge _) |- _ ] =>
apply Rcd.type_of_GEdge in H
| [ H : ?r _ = Some (Value.Int _) |- _ ] =>
apply Rcd.type_of_Int in H
| [ H : ?r _ = Some (Value.Bool _) |- _ ] =>
apply Rcd.type_of_Bool in H
| [ H : ?r _ = Some (Value.Str _) |- _ ] =>
apply Rcd.type_of_Str in H
Hint Resolve type_of_Unknown type_of_GVertex type_of_GEdge type_of_Int type_of_Bool type_of_Str
type_of_BoolT type_of_IntT type_of_StrT type_of_GVertexT type_of_GEdgeT type_of_None : type_of_db.
Hint Rewrite type_of_Unknown type_of_GVertex type_of_GEdge type_of_Int type_of_Bool type_of_Str
type_of_BoolT type_of_IntT type_of_StrT type_of_GVertexT type_of_GEdgeT type_of_None : type_of_db.
Lemma in_dom_iff k r :
PartialMap.in_dom k r <-> PartialMap.in_dom k (type_of r).
Proof using.
unfold PartialMap.in_dom, type_of.
{ intros [v H]. eexists. now rewrite H. }
{ intros [x H]. destruct (r k); try inv H. now eexists. }
Section join.
Lemma type_of_join r1 r2 :
type_of (PartialMap.join r1 r2) = PartialMap.join (type_of r1) (type_of r2).
Proof using.
extensionality k.
unfold PartialMap.join, type_of, option_map.
Lemma type_of_disjoint_iff r1 r2 :
PartialMap.disjoint (type_of r1) (type_of r2) <-> PartialMap.disjoint r1 r2.
Proof using.
unfold PartialMap.disjoint, type_of, option_map.
all: intros Hdisj k.
all: specialize Hdisj with k.
all: desf; auto.
Lemma type_of_disjoint (r1 r2 : t) (Hdisj : PartialMap.disjoint r1 r2) :
PartialMap.disjoint (type_of r1) (type_of r2).
Proof using. now apply type_of_disjoint_iff. Qed.
End join.
Definition explicit_proj (r : t) : t := fun k =>
match k with
| Name.explicit _ => r k
| _ => None
Definition explicit_projT (r : T) : T := fun k =>
match k with
| Name.explicit _ => r k
| _ => None
Theorem explicit_proj_empty : explicit_proj empty = empty.
Proof using.
extensionality k.
unfold explicit_proj, empty.
Theorem explicit_projT_emptyT : explicit_projT emptyT = emptyT.
Proof using.
extensionality k.
unfold explicit_projT, emptyT.
Theorem type_of_explicit_proj r :
type_of (explicit_proj r) = explicit_projT (type_of r).
Proof using.
extensionality k.
unfold explicit_proj, explicit_projT.
End Rcd.
Module BindingTable.
Definition t := list Rcd.t.
Definition T := Rcd.T.
Definition empty : t := nil.
Definition add (r : Rcd.t) (T : t) := r :: T.
(* Predicate that defines the type of a table *)
(* If a table if not-empty its type is defined *)
Definition of_type (table : t) (ty : Rcd.T) :=
forall r, In r table -> Rcd.type_of r = ty.
(* If a table is not empty, the type is unique *)
Lemma of_type_unique (table : t) ty1 ty2 (Hneq : table <> nil)
(Htype1 : of_type table ty1) (Htype2 : of_type table ty2) :
ty1 = ty2.
Proof using.
destruct table as [| r].
{ contradiction. }
transitivity (Rcd.type_of r).
1: symmetry; apply Htype1.
2: apply Htype2.
all: left; reflexivity.
Lemma of_type_cons_l (table : t) ty r (Htype : of_type (r :: table) ty) :
Rcd.type_of r = ty.
Proof using.
apply Htype. now left.
Lemma of_type_cons_r (table : t) ty r (Htype : of_type (r :: table) ty) :
of_type table ty.
Proof using.
intros r' HIn. apply Htype.
right. assumption.
Lemma of_type_cons (table : t) ty r (Htype_r : Rcd.type_of r = ty)
(Htype_table : of_type table ty) :
of_type (r :: table) ty.
Proof using.
intros r' HIn. destruct HIn as [Heq | HIn].
- now subst.
- now apply Htype_table.
Lemma of_type_concat (tables : list t) ty
(Htype : forall table, In table tables -> of_type table ty) :
of_type (List.concat tables) ty.
Proof using.
intros r HIn. apply in_concat in HIn. desf.
eapply Htype; eassumption.
(* The empty table is of any type *)
Lemma empty_of_type ty : of_type empty ty.
Proof using. intros r HIn. inv HIn. Qed.
Section type_ofT.
Variable table : t.
Variable ty : Rcd.T.
Variable r : Rcd.t.
Variable k : Name.t.
Variable Htype : of_type table ty.
Variable HIn : In r table.
Lemma type_of_BoolT (Hty : ty k = Some Value.BoolT) :
exists b, r k = Some (Value.Bool b).
Proof using Htype HIn. apply Rcd.type_of_BoolT. rewrite Htype; assumption. Qed.
Lemma type_of_IntT (Hty : ty k = Some Value.IntT) :
exists i, r k = Some (Value.Int i).
Proof using Htype HIn. apply Rcd.type_of_IntT. rewrite Htype; assumption. Qed.
Lemma type_of_StrT (Hty : ty k = Some Value.StrT) :
exists s, r k = Some (Value.Str s).
Proof using Htype HIn. apply Rcd.type_of_StrT. rewrite Htype; assumption. Qed.
Lemma type_of_GVertexT (Hty : ty k = Some Value.GVertexT) :
exists v, r k = Some (Value.GVertex v).
Proof using Htype HIn. apply Rcd.type_of_GVertexT. rewrite Htype; assumption. Qed.
Lemma type_of_GEdgeT (Hty : ty k = Some Value.GEdgeT) :
exists e, r k = Some (Value.GEdge e).
Proof using Htype HIn. apply Rcd.type_of_GEdgeT. rewrite Htype; assumption. Qed.
Lemma type_of_None (Hty : ty k = None) :
r k = None.
Proof using Htype HIn. apply Rcd.type_of_None. rewrite Htype; assumption. Qed.
End type_ofT.
Hint Unfold of_type : type_of_db.
Hint Resolve of_type_cons of_type_cons_l of_type_cons_r empty_of_type : type_of_db.
Hint Rewrite of_type_unique : type_of_db.
Hint Rewrite type_of_BoolT type_of_IntT type_of_StrT type_of_GVertexT type_of_GEdgeT type_of_None : type_of_db.
Definition equiv (table1 table2 : t) :=
forall r, In r table1 <-> In r table2.
Instance equiv_Equivalence : Equivalence equiv.
Proof using.
constructor; red; intros.
all: unfold equiv; firstorder.
Module Notations.
Notation "t1 ~~ t2" := (equiv t1 t2) (at level 70).
End Notations.
End BindingTable.
Hint Unfold PartialMap.update TotalMap.update equiv_decb
BindingTable.of_type Rcd.type_of : unfold_pat.
Ltac desf_unfold_pat :=
autounfold with unfold_pat in *; desf; simpls;
unfold complement, equiv in *; subst; auto.
Ltac solve_type_of := now (
extensionality k;
autounfold with unfold_pat in *;
Ltac solve_type_of_extension r ty :=
eenough (Rcd.type_of r = ty);
[ solve_type_of | auto ].