Require Import Utils.
From RelationAlgebra Require Export ordinal lattice level sups sums comparisons.
Open Scope ltb_scope.
Section index_of.
Context {A : Type}.
Context `{EqDec A eq}.
Context (a : A).
Fixpoint index_of (xs : list A) : option (ord (length xs)) :=
match xs with
| [] => None
| x :: xs =>
if a ==b x then Some ord0
else option_map ordS (index_of xs)
Lemma In_index_of xs (HIn : In a xs) :
exists i, index_of xs = Some i.
Proof using.
induction xs as [| x xs IHxs ]. { inv HIn. }
simpls. case equiv_decbP; ins; subst.
{ now eexists. }
desf. destruct IHxs as [? IH]; auto.
rewrite IH. now eexists.
Lemma index_of_nth xs i
(Hindex : index_of xs = Some i) :
nth_error xs i = Some a.
Proof using.
gen_dep i.
induction xs as [| x xs IHxs ]; ins.
unfold option_map in *.
destruct (equiv_decbP a x); desf.
simpls. auto.
Lemma index_of_In xs i
(Hindex : index_of xs = Some i) :
In a xs.
Proof using.
eapply nth_error_In, index_of_nth, Hindex.
Lemma index_of_In_iff xs :
In a xs <-> exists i, index_of xs = Some i.
Proof using.
split; ins.
{ now apply In_index_of. }
{ desf. eauto using index_of_In. }
End index_of.
(* TODO: prove that nat is a lattice *)
Canonical Structure nat_lattice_ops: lattice.ops := {|
leq := fun i j => i <= j;
weq := eq;
cup := max;
cap := min;
bot := 0;
neg := id; (* this is a stub *)
top := 1; (* this is a stub *)
Theorem ltb_succ (x y : nat) : x <= y <-> x < S y.
Proof using.
split; ins; gen_dep y.
all: induction x; ins; destruct y; simpls; auto.
destruct x; auto.
Theorem leb_refl (n : nat) : n <= n.
Proof using. induction n; auto. Qed.
Theorem leb_trans (x y z : nat)
(H1 : x <= y) (H2 : y <= z) : x <= z.
Proof using.
gen_dep y x.
induction z; ins; destruct y, x; simpls.
Theorem leb_antisym (x y : nat)
(H1 : x <= y) (H2 : y <= x) : x = y.
Proof using.
gen_dep x.
induction y; ins; destruct x; simpls.
f_equal. eauto.
Theorem max_leb (x y z : nat)
(H1 : x <= z) (H2 : y <= z) : max x y <= z.
Proof using.
gen_dep x y.
induction z; ins; destruct x, y; simpls.
Theorem max_leb_l (x y z : nat)
(H : max x y <= z) : x <= z.
Proof using.
gen_dep x y.
induction z; ins; destruct x, y; simpls.
Theorem max_leb_r (x y z : nat)
(H : max x y <= z) : y <= z.
Proof using.
gen_dep x y.
induction z; ins; destruct x, y; simpls.
Theorem max_leb_iff (x y z : nat) :
max x y <= z <-> x <= z /\ y <= z.
Proof using.
split; ins.
{ split; eauto using max_leb_l, max_leb_r. }
{ desf. eauto using max_leb. }
Theorem leb_min (x y z : nat)
(H1 : z <= x) (H2 : z <= y) : z <= min x y.
Proof using.
gen_dep x y.
induction z; ins; destruct x, y; simpls.
Theorem leb_min_l (x y z : nat)
(H : z <= min x y) : z <= x.
Proof using.
gen_dep x y.
induction z; ins; destruct x, y; simpls.
Theorem leb_min_r (x y z : nat)
(H : z <= min x y) : z <= y.
Proof using.
gen_dep x y.
induction z; ins; destruct x, y; simpls.
Theorem leb_min_iff (x y z : nat) :
z <= min x y <-> z <= x /\ z <= y.
Proof using.
split; ins.
{ split; eauto using leb_min_l, leb_min_r. }
{ desf. eauto using leb_min. }
Theorem min_leb_l (x y : nat) : min x y <= x.
Proof using.
gen_dep y; induction x; ins; destruct y; simpls.
Theorem min_leb_r (x y : nat) : min x y <= y.
Proof using.
gen_dep y; induction x; ins; destruct y; simpls.
Theorem leb_max_l (x y : nat) : x <= max x y.
Proof using.
gen_dep y; induction x; ins; destruct y; simpls.
apply leb_refl.
Theorem leb_max_r (x y : nat) : y <= max x y.
Proof using.
gen_dep y; induction x; ins; destruct y; simpls.
apply leb_refl.
Theorem zro_leb (x : nat) : 0 <= x.
Proof using. induction x; auto. Qed.
Theorem min_leb_max (x y : nat) : min x y <= max x y.
Proof using.
gen_dep y; induction x; ins; destruct y; simpls.
Theorem max_comm (x y : nat) : max x y = max y x.
Proof using.
gen_dep y; induction x; ins; destruct y; simpls.
f_equal. eauto.
Theorem max_assoc (x y z : nat) : max x (max y z) = max (max x y) z.
Proof using.
gen_dep y z; induction x; ins; destruct y, z; simpls.
f_equal. eauto.
Theorem max_idemp (x : nat) : max x x = x.
Proof using.
induction x; ins; simpls.
f_equal. eauto.
Theorem min_comm (x y : nat) : min x y = min y x.
Proof using.
gen_dep y; induction x; ins; destruct y; simpls.
f_equal. eauto.
Theorem min_assoc (x y z : nat) : min x (min y z) = min (min x y) z.
Proof using.
gen_dep y z; induction x; ins; destruct y, z; simpls.
f_equal. eauto.
Theorem min_idemp (x : nat) : min x x = x.
Proof using.
induction x; ins; simpls.
f_equal. eauto.
Theorem max_min_distr (x y z : nat) : max (min x y) (min x z) = min x (max y z).
Proof using.
gen_dep y z; induction x; ins; destruct y, z; simpls.
f_equal. eauto.
Theorem min_max_cancel (x y : nat) : min x (max x y) = x.
Proof using.
gen_dep y; induction x; ins; destruct y; simpls.
all: f_equal; eauto.
{ apply min_idemp. }
Theorem min_max_distr (x y z : nat) : min (max x y) (max x z) = max x (min y z).
Proof using.
gen_dep y z; induction x; ins; destruct y, z; simpls.
all: f_equal.
{ apply min_idemp. }
{ apply min_max_cancel. }
{ rewrite min_comm. apply min_max_cancel. }
Theorem leb_max_eq_l_iff (x y : nat) :
max x y = x <-> y <= x.
Proof using.
split; ins.
{ gen_dep y. induction x; intros [|y]; ins.
desf; auto. }
apply leb_antisym.
{ eapply max_leb; auto using leb_refl. }
{ eapply leb_max_l. }
Theorem leb_max_eq_r_iff (x y : nat) :
max x y = y <-> x <= y.
Proof using.
rewrite max_comm. apply leb_max_eq_l_iff.
Theorem leb_min_eq_l_iff (x y : nat) :
min x y = x <-> x <= y.
Proof using.
split; ins.
{ gen_dep y. induction x; intros [|y]; ins.
desf; auto. }
apply leb_antisym.
{ eapply min_leb_l. }
{ eapply leb_min; auto using leb_refl. }
Theorem leb_min_eq_r_iff (x y : nat) :
min x y = y <-> y <= x.
Proof using.
rewrite min_comm. apply leb_min_eq_l_iff.
Instance nat_lattice_laws: lattice.laws (CUP + CAP + BOT) nat_lattice_ops.
Proof using.
constructor; ins.
{ constructor.
{ unfold Reflexive. apply leb_refl. }
{ unfold Transitive. apply leb_trans. } }
{ simpls. intros.
{ ins; subst. split; apply leb_refl. }
{ intros []. now apply leb_antisym. } }
{ apply max_leb_iff. }
{ apply leb_min_iff. }
{ right. apply zro_leb. }
{ rewrite min_max_distr. apply leb_refl. }
Theorem eqb_eq_iff (A: cmpType) (x y : A) : eqb x y <-> x = y.
Proof using.
split; ins.
{ apply eqb_eq. auto. }
{ subst. apply eqb_refl. }
From RelationAlgebra Require Import bmx matrix monoid boolean.
Local Open Scope ra_terms.
Lemma andb_is_true_iff a b :
a && b <-> a /\ b.
Proof using.
unfold is_true.
now rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff.
Lemma bmx_one_spec n i j :
(mx_one bool_ops bool_tt n) i j <-> i = j.
Proof using.
simpl. unfold mx_one.
unfold eqb_ord, ofbool, is_true. simpl.
split; ins; desf; desf.
now apply eq_ord.
Lemma bmx_dot_spec n m q i j (a : bmx n m) (b : bmx m q) :
((mx_dot _ _ _ _ _) a b) i j <-> exists k, a i k /\ b k j.
Proof using.
unfold mx_dot.
rewrite is_true_sup. simpl.
setoid_rewrite andb_is_true_iff.
split; ins; desf.
all: eauto using in_seq.
Lemma bmx_cap_spec n m i j (a : bmx n m) (b : bmx n m) :
pw2 cap a b i j <-> a i j /\ b i j.
simpls. unfold is_true.
now rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff.
Instance ord_decb n : EqDec (ord n) eq.
unfold EqDec, equiv. ins.
case eqb_spec with (x := x) (y := y).
all: ins; auto.
From RelationAlgebra Require Export ordinal lattice level sups sums comparisons.
Open Scope ltb_scope.
Section index_of.
Context {A : Type}.
Context `{EqDec A eq}.
Context (a : A).
Fixpoint index_of (xs : list A) : option (ord (length xs)) :=
match xs with
| [] => None
| x :: xs =>
if a ==b x then Some ord0
else option_map ordS (index_of xs)
Lemma In_index_of xs (HIn : In a xs) :
exists i, index_of xs = Some i.
Proof using.
induction xs as [| x xs IHxs ]. { inv HIn. }
simpls. case equiv_decbP; ins; subst.
{ now eexists. }
desf. destruct IHxs as [? IH]; auto.
rewrite IH. now eexists.
Lemma index_of_nth xs i
(Hindex : index_of xs = Some i) :
nth_error xs i = Some a.
Proof using.
gen_dep i.
induction xs as [| x xs IHxs ]; ins.
unfold option_map in *.
destruct (equiv_decbP a x); desf.
simpls. auto.
Lemma index_of_In xs i
(Hindex : index_of xs = Some i) :
In a xs.
Proof using.
eapply nth_error_In, index_of_nth, Hindex.
Lemma index_of_In_iff xs :
In a xs <-> exists i, index_of xs = Some i.
Proof using.
split; ins.
{ now apply In_index_of. }
{ desf. eauto using index_of_In. }
End index_of.
(* TODO: prove that nat is a lattice *)
Canonical Structure nat_lattice_ops: lattice.ops := {|
leq := fun i j => i <= j;
weq := eq;
cup := max;
cap := min;
bot := 0;
neg := id; (* this is a stub *)
top := 1; (* this is a stub *)
Theorem ltb_succ (x y : nat) : x <= y <-> x < S y.
Proof using.
split; ins; gen_dep y.
all: induction x; ins; destruct y; simpls; auto.
destruct x; auto.
Theorem leb_refl (n : nat) : n <= n.
Proof using. induction n; auto. Qed.
Theorem leb_trans (x y z : nat)
(H1 : x <= y) (H2 : y <= z) : x <= z.
Proof using.
gen_dep y x.
induction z; ins; destruct y, x; simpls.
Theorem leb_antisym (x y : nat)
(H1 : x <= y) (H2 : y <= x) : x = y.
Proof using.
gen_dep x.
induction y; ins; destruct x; simpls.
f_equal. eauto.
Theorem max_leb (x y z : nat)
(H1 : x <= z) (H2 : y <= z) : max x y <= z.
Proof using.
gen_dep x y.
induction z; ins; destruct x, y; simpls.
Theorem max_leb_l (x y z : nat)
(H : max x y <= z) : x <= z.
Proof using.
gen_dep x y.
induction z; ins; destruct x, y; simpls.
Theorem max_leb_r (x y z : nat)
(H : max x y <= z) : y <= z.
Proof using.
gen_dep x y.
induction z; ins; destruct x, y; simpls.
Theorem max_leb_iff (x y z : nat) :
max x y <= z <-> x <= z /\ y <= z.
Proof using.
split; ins.
{ split; eauto using max_leb_l, max_leb_r. }
{ desf. eauto using max_leb. }
Theorem leb_min (x y z : nat)
(H1 : z <= x) (H2 : z <= y) : z <= min x y.
Proof using.
gen_dep x y.
induction z; ins; destruct x, y; simpls.
Theorem leb_min_l (x y z : nat)
(H : z <= min x y) : z <= x.
Proof using.
gen_dep x y.
induction z; ins; destruct x, y; simpls.
Theorem leb_min_r (x y z : nat)
(H : z <= min x y) : z <= y.
Proof using.
gen_dep x y.
induction z; ins; destruct x, y; simpls.
Theorem leb_min_iff (x y z : nat) :
z <= min x y <-> z <= x /\ z <= y.
Proof using.
split; ins.
{ split; eauto using leb_min_l, leb_min_r. }
{ desf. eauto using leb_min. }
Theorem min_leb_l (x y : nat) : min x y <= x.
Proof using.
gen_dep y; induction x; ins; destruct y; simpls.
Theorem min_leb_r (x y : nat) : min x y <= y.
Proof using.
gen_dep y; induction x; ins; destruct y; simpls.
Theorem leb_max_l (x y : nat) : x <= max x y.
Proof using.
gen_dep y; induction x; ins; destruct y; simpls.
apply leb_refl.
Theorem leb_max_r (x y : nat) : y <= max x y.
Proof using.
gen_dep y; induction x; ins; destruct y; simpls.
apply leb_refl.
Theorem zro_leb (x : nat) : 0 <= x.
Proof using. induction x; auto. Qed.
Theorem min_leb_max (x y : nat) : min x y <= max x y.
Proof using.
gen_dep y; induction x; ins; destruct y; simpls.
Theorem max_comm (x y : nat) : max x y = max y x.
Proof using.
gen_dep y; induction x; ins; destruct y; simpls.
f_equal. eauto.
Theorem max_assoc (x y z : nat) : max x (max y z) = max (max x y) z.
Proof using.
gen_dep y z; induction x; ins; destruct y, z; simpls.
f_equal. eauto.
Theorem max_idemp (x : nat) : max x x = x.
Proof using.
induction x; ins; simpls.
f_equal. eauto.
Theorem min_comm (x y : nat) : min x y = min y x.
Proof using.
gen_dep y; induction x; ins; destruct y; simpls.
f_equal. eauto.
Theorem min_assoc (x y z : nat) : min x (min y z) = min (min x y) z.
Proof using.
gen_dep y z; induction x; ins; destruct y, z; simpls.
f_equal. eauto.
Theorem min_idemp (x : nat) : min x x = x.
Proof using.
induction x; ins; simpls.
f_equal. eauto.
Theorem max_min_distr (x y z : nat) : max (min x y) (min x z) = min x (max y z).
Proof using.
gen_dep y z; induction x; ins; destruct y, z; simpls.
f_equal. eauto.
Theorem min_max_cancel (x y : nat) : min x (max x y) = x.
Proof using.
gen_dep y; induction x; ins; destruct y; simpls.
all: f_equal; eauto.
{ apply min_idemp. }
Theorem min_max_distr (x y z : nat) : min (max x y) (max x z) = max x (min y z).
Proof using.
gen_dep y z; induction x; ins; destruct y, z; simpls.
all: f_equal.
{ apply min_idemp. }
{ apply min_max_cancel. }
{ rewrite min_comm. apply min_max_cancel. }
Theorem leb_max_eq_l_iff (x y : nat) :
max x y = x <-> y <= x.
Proof using.
split; ins.
{ gen_dep y. induction x; intros [|y]; ins.
desf; auto. }
apply leb_antisym.
{ eapply max_leb; auto using leb_refl. }
{ eapply leb_max_l. }
Theorem leb_max_eq_r_iff (x y : nat) :
max x y = y <-> x <= y.
Proof using.
rewrite max_comm. apply leb_max_eq_l_iff.
Theorem leb_min_eq_l_iff (x y : nat) :
min x y = x <-> x <= y.
Proof using.
split; ins.
{ gen_dep y. induction x; intros [|y]; ins.
desf; auto. }
apply leb_antisym.
{ eapply min_leb_l. }
{ eapply leb_min; auto using leb_refl. }
Theorem leb_min_eq_r_iff (x y : nat) :
min x y = y <-> y <= x.
Proof using.
rewrite min_comm. apply leb_min_eq_l_iff.
Instance nat_lattice_laws: lattice.laws (CUP + CAP + BOT) nat_lattice_ops.
Proof using.
constructor; ins.
{ constructor.
{ unfold Reflexive. apply leb_refl. }
{ unfold Transitive. apply leb_trans. } }
{ simpls. intros.
{ ins; subst. split; apply leb_refl. }
{ intros []. now apply leb_antisym. } }
{ apply max_leb_iff. }
{ apply leb_min_iff. }
{ right. apply zro_leb. }
{ rewrite min_max_distr. apply leb_refl. }
Theorem eqb_eq_iff (A: cmpType) (x y : A) : eqb x y <-> x = y.
Proof using.
split; ins.
{ apply eqb_eq. auto. }
{ subst. apply eqb_refl. }
From RelationAlgebra Require Import bmx matrix monoid boolean.
Local Open Scope ra_terms.
Lemma andb_is_true_iff a b :
a && b <-> a /\ b.
Proof using.
unfold is_true.
now rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff.
Lemma bmx_one_spec n i j :
(mx_one bool_ops bool_tt n) i j <-> i = j.
Proof using.
simpl. unfold mx_one.
unfold eqb_ord, ofbool, is_true. simpl.
split; ins; desf; desf.
now apply eq_ord.
Lemma bmx_dot_spec n m q i j (a : bmx n m) (b : bmx m q) :
((mx_dot _ _ _ _ _) a b) i j <-> exists k, a i k /\ b k j.
Proof using.
unfold mx_dot.
rewrite is_true_sup. simpl.
setoid_rewrite andb_is_true_iff.
split; ins; desf.
all: eauto using in_seq.
Lemma bmx_cap_spec n m i j (a : bmx n m) (b : bmx n m) :
pw2 cap a b i j <-> a i j /\ b i j.
simpls. unfold is_true.
now rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff.
Instance ord_decb n : EqDec (ord n) eq.
unfold EqDec, equiv. ins.
case eqb_spec with (x := x) (y := y).
all: ins; auto.